Friday, July 31, 2009

Vaccine Loophole for Higher Education

If you want a degree and are concerned about the mandatory vaccines, you can bypass the entire system by attending colleges online. A few years ago, this might have been less appealing with many "technical institutes" muddying the water and giving distance education a bad name. However, every major university across the country offers online classes, community colleges offer complete programs, and as the demand grows, so will the offerings. There are many places you can research this topic, here is just one place to start:

Know your Rights Regarding Immunizations

Vaccines are poison and many more Americans are waking up to this reality. Unfortunately many people don't know that then it comes to getting their children "immunized," they actually do have a choice. All states have a mandatory vaccination program, while 48 allow for religious exemptions and 21 have personal belief exemptions. In some districts they make it very easy, you simply fill out a little form. In others, they make they process harder. If you don't know what they laws are in your state, check out this website:
Resist Vaccinations of All Types!!!

University of Alabama Institutes Mandatory Vaccine Program

Many universities require that students recieve and be current on vaccinations before attending classes. Recently the University of Alabama has joined ranks and has its very own immunization policy. If you are worried about the risks of vaccines, dislike the idea of the government continuing to push vaccines on the populace, or distrust the entire concept of vaccination, you might want to contact your local univeristy or public school and let them know. If we don't say anything, nothing will happen. You can view the University of Alabama's policy here:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today on Alex Jones

Today Alex Jones will speak with Dr. Sherri Tennpenny on the dangers of vaccines. Additionally he will speak with Bob Coen and Alex Nadler, producers of Anthrax Wars, an investigative documentary on germ warfare. Don't miss, this sounds like a great line up!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today on Alex Jones

Today Alex Jones will be speaking with Ron Paul regarding HR bill 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009. We have some information in our blog archives regarding the Federal Reserve fraud, and efforts like this one aim to remedy this crime against the populace. You can listen at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top Scientists Keep Dying!

This is August Wantanabe, the latest victim in the scandalous murder of top scientist around the world. He had retired from pharmacutical company Eli Lily until 2003. He was the head of their research laboratories worldwide for a decade. He was found with a gun shot wound and a three page letter. Authorities suggest he was depressed over the death of his daughter, a month ago. She died from complications after undergoing elective surgery.

Others, however, feel he is just one more top scientist that was killed for reasons currently unkown. Perhaps he and others knew too much, perhaps they discovered the truth behind one of the many biowarefar projects our government has taken part in...

If you doubt this particular conspiracy, take a look at this list of prominent scientists that have died, often suspciously. We will be covering this more soon.

Food Color Blue Good for Spinal Injuries?

A recent study has been released that claims that Brilliant Blue G or, BBG, could potentially change the lives of people with spinal cord injuries. In rat trials it reduced lesions in spinal injuries, prevented damgage to health spinal cells and the rats treated with BBG were able to walk again.

I'm skeptical. There are several food colorings that are dangerous to humans, though they were on the market and used in candies andother foods. What I'd like to know is what made them decide to inject BBG into the spines of injured rats? Smells suspicious to me. This might be like saying aspartame is not dangerous and we all know that's not true.

Today on Alex Jones

Listen to Alex Jones today to hear an interview with author and journalist
Jeff Sharlett. He writes about the religious subcultures in American, and
will be speaking about his new release, "The Family: Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power."

You can listen online at:

Remember, if you have trouble listening, and are using Mozilla, you might easily remedy the situation by simply opening it in Internet Explorer.

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Taser Can Stun Three People at Once

Just when you think it can't get worse, it does. The people who brought us the Taser, guilty of killing, maiming and paralzing people all across the county, have upped the ante. They have created a Taser that can either shoot three people at once or three successive people without needing to break. They claim these don't go as deep, so they aren't likely to cause the damage we've seen in the past.

What we are wondering, when are these things going to be banned?

Sheeple Line Up for Swine Flu Vaccine Trials!

These kids have the right reaction to the poision they are getting ready to be force fed! Why then, are adults begging to get involved in the swine flu vaccine trials? We are making it way too easy for the New World Order swine to move towards their agenda. This recent article from CNN reports that people have flooded the University of Chicago, practically begging to be involved in trials for the H1N1 vaccine trials!

And, these trials are being funded by (drum roll please) by the National Institute for Health! The irony is rich, the danger, however, is real. Please take minute to read this and pass it on!

Just Say No to the Federal Reserve

Until very recently many people believed that the Federal Reserve was actually ran by the Federal government. This is a natural assumption and it was also why the name was chosen in the first place! Recent events have shoved many people into reality, but the truth is, we need the entire population to understand the fraud of the Reserve.

The Federal Reserve, which was put into law in 1913 while much of Congress was home for Christmas, placed the United State's monetary system in the hands of private bankers. We've been suffering under their tyranny since then and perhaps if enough of us demand it, we can undo this wrong!

Here are some great resources on this topic. Do yourself and your children a favor and take the time to learn about this scam!

Today on Alex Jones

Today on Alex Jones you can listen to the controversial preacher Reverend James Manninge, from Atlah Worldwide. He is a Harlem based preacher who claims that Obama is a notorious criminal and has faked his citizenship. Of course, the latest news will be covered. You can listen online at:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Great Bird Flu Hoax - Sounds familiar?

We recently came across an interesting video series on and wanted to share it with you. It is composed of a series of videos preseting evidence about the true nature of the bird flu and it sounds just like the swine flu ordeal.
The videos explore the bird flu and the campaign to vaccinate the public. If you are here on our site you probably already know that the real goal is depopulation, but having a little back up support is helpful. It is long, but is broken down into segments. Watch some or all, but do find some time to check it out:

Art Bell - Somewhere in Time

As an long time Art Bell fan, I'd encourage you all to check these rebroadcasts of classic Art Bell interviews. Tonight it will be an interview from November 21, 2002 - the guest is Gordon Michael Scallion about demonic possession. Nobody does it like Art, so give it a try, 6-10 pm.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tonight on Coast to Coast

Tonight on Coast to Coast Ian Punnet will be filling in for Geory Noory. He will be talking with Dr. Les Carter about anger, the roots of evil and dealing with difficult people. Then it will be open lines for the rest of the night.

Bohemian Grove Video Clip from Alex Jones

This is a clip secretly filmed at Bohemian Grove. They are meeting this week and this clip gives you an idea of the kind of sick things they do there. Though they claim they only meet and talk about business, this video (and other accounts) make it clear that they do more than talk shop.

I Wonder What Happened at Bohemian Grove?

This was the week that the world elite, the politicians, the captains of industry meet at Bohemian Grove. While we know only a small bit about what these sadist, power hunger people do here, we do know that they all want it kept secret.

This image is a picture of the owl, which attendees worship and make sacrifices to - sure I know it sounds unbelievable, but it is sadly true.

We'll be posting some information on this group so you can learn more about them.

Today On Alex Jones

Check out Alex Jones radio today when he speaks with Republican representative from Texas, Louie Gohmert regarding the energy bill, which he opposes. He will also be speaking with Bob Chapman from the International Forcaster. Additionally, they will cover the Iraq invasion of 2003 with an embedded reporter, Dahr Jamail. And like always, anything in the news will be fair game.

Untested Flu to Be Unleashed on Public!

Most of us are aware of the nasty ingredients that appear in vaccines. The swine flu vaccine is no exception. Check out the article below which details the ins and outs of this latest vaccine. And, yes, it is full of bad stuff, including mercury.

It also has never been tested, so we are all guinea pigs in one huge lab experiment. Better yet, the companies putting this out will make millions (see post below).

But, it just keeps getting better, because if you were to get ill from a vaccine, don't even think about seeking justice. You are not allowed to sue the company or the government if you experience a problem with this vaccine. Sounds too incredible to be true, doesn't it?

Why Are We Talking About the Swine Flu?

Maybe you are wondering why we are talking about the swine flu? Truth is, influenza has always made people sick and even killed people, each and every year. Why then, did we become obsessed with the swine flu, which has had a minimal impact on us?

There are lots of possibilities, and we'll explore those, but check out this article regarding exactly how much the makers of the new swine flu "vaccine" are getting over last year's sales. Could some of this be economically driven?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bilderbergs and Microchips

In case there is any doubt about how bad the Bilderbergers are, stories like this cement their reputation as leaders in the New World Order. A few years back it was considered fringe to worry about plans to microchip the public. However, the prominence of companies which specialize in making and promoting microchips have entered the main stream press and worried the main stream audience.

Do you know about RFID chips?

Again, it seems impossible to believe, but RFID chips, which a lot of people call "spy" chips, are finding their way into everything. You've probably heard that all new passports have them? Well, lots of other things have them as well and of course, there is a push to get them into anything and everything. To learn more, check out:

Today on Alex Jones

Today you can tune in to Alex Jones as he talks with Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul. He is seeking a Senate seat from Kentucky, and is chairman of the Kentucky Taxpayers United. A few other topics will be covered, including any breaking news of course.

He will also be talking with Mr. Robert Wilcox regarding his new book, "Targe Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton.

You can listen online at:

Making the Weather - It's Not Science Fiction

I know it sounds like science fiction, but governments can and do make weather, effect the weather, and spend a lot of money and time to get better at it. Here is a great article about how the Chinese government worked to keep rain to a minimum for the Olympics.

Notice how much money and how many people the Chinese government employs to study controlling the weather! Amazing!

Project Rockefeller Watch - Join Us

We have wanted to do something like this for a long time, and we didn't know how to start, so we will just start here.

Since the Rockefellers like to keep an eye on all of us, we thought we should turn it all around and keep an eye on them. So, we want to start a project were people everywhere keep an eye out for anything that smells like a Rockefeller. We will then post everything online.

This could be a news clip you've noticed locally, an event in your town that is going to have a Rockefeller in attendance, a piece in the newspaper regarding the terrible family.
Or, and perhapds best of all, maybe you have some inside information? Any personal information you might have. Where they eat lunch, what maid service they use, the names of their drivers, their tailors, whom they use as a caterer, what hotels they stay get the picture.
Write us, let us and the world know!

Tonight on Coast to Coast George will be interviewing Linda Godfrey regarding unknown creatures, true encounters and how technology might be creating mythical creatures.

You can check it out at:

A Primer on the Bilderberg Group

Here is a clip to get you started on the Bilderberg group. There is a lot out there, this is just the beginning.

Coast to Coast Talks about Bilderbergs

If you haven't heard of the Bilderbergs, it is time to look into this ultra-secret group that is made up of powerful people from all over the world. They meet in secret, members deny the group even exists and they pull the strings in governments on all continents.

Their purpose is fairly simple, get rid of as many of us regular people as possible. They feel they only need enough of us around to do the work and they will be a ruling class. Once you start looking into the Bilderbergs and the Illuminati, you'll start to see their symbology all around.

Have you seen Zeitgeist?

If you haven't seen this movie, you should make the time and watch it. You can watch it for free at the link below. If you don't have a lot of time, you can watch it in sections. Just be prepared to have your preconceived notions about religion and history shaken up a bit. Send the link to your friends and help spread some reality around.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tonight on Coast to Coast Am

Tonight on Coast to Coast Am George will interivew Greg Little. They will cover the topic of Atlantis, crop circles and other related items. You can listen online at:

Unnamed Cloud Formation Spottted

Just in case you haven't checked out the links below, here is an example of the weird, new cloud type being seen in our skies. They usually don't produce storms, but I'm guessing they do startle people who see them.
The proposed name is Asperatus or Undulus Asperatus. What we don't know is what is causing these to form in the first place?

Weird Clouds and Odd Weather?

Have you seen any odd looking clouds over head? Many people around the world have been noticing unusual clouds, some of these oddities appearing so often that scientists are considering giving them their own classification.

One form, mammotous clouds, are odd looking and used to be rare. Antecdotal evidence seems to suggest they are appearing more often. I wonder why? Is this related to the chemtrails? Here is a link with some good images of these clouds:

Other clouds called Noctilucent used to only be seen at the poles, first being noticed in 1885
(or at leasted noted and then recored). However, these unusual clouds, which look like they glow, have been seen all over the place. Here are some links so you can judge for yourself:

And, last, but not least, are the clouds with no names! These are stunning and no doubt shocking to see in person. These clouds have no name, no reference in our history of studying meterology and are causing a lot of questions. The link is long, for which we apologize, but it is worth it!;jsessionid=7250645220BD22622F66D4A9D93E3122

What do you think???

Check out Alex Jones

Just in case you didn't know it, Alex Jones has a great radio show and you can listen online.
Today he will be speaking with Gerald Celente, who founded and directs the Trends Research Institue Center. Mr. Celente predicted the stock market crash of 1987 and the end of the Soviet Union. You can direction visit the Trend Institute at :

To listen to Alex Jones you can point your browswer to :
If you have trouble listening, and are using Mozilla, you might easily remedy the problem by opening the window in Internet Explorer.

And, of course, his show always covers the latest news, so be sure to check it out.

Welcome to Secrets, Cover-ups and Conspiracies

We want to thank you for visiting our little corner of the web. The hope of this site is to explore Secrets, Cover-ups and Conspiracies. Over time we want to act as a virtual clearinghouse so that we, along with your help, can shed some light on the things others seek to hide.

In this age of information, we all understand the power that comes with simply being aware. Things that governments and other powerful entities could once easily conceal are now harder to sweep under the rug. With cameras on every phone and an internet connection in every home, we can share information like never before.

We have a list of topics to cover but would like your suggestions. If you have some curiosity which isn't covered here, please let us know. Our background ranges from literature and research to enginnering, and with our history we bring a varied approach to vetting the topics being covered. If you have something to add, write us and let us know.