Friday, July 26, 2013

Protecting your Privacy in the age of Big Brother

Who is really watching you when you're online?
Just 3 years ago, if you were to say that you were worried about the government spying on you, you'd been called a nut. If you would have expressed concern over satellite based monitoring systems like On Star, you'd be called paranoid. Basically, if you did anything but talk about celebrities and sports, you would get dirty looks.

Fast forward to today, with the revelations of Snowden and complete confirmation of governmental spying, confirmation of drone use on American soil, of daily in-your-face attacks on the first, second and fourth Amendments...well there is no more America, we're already living in tyranny. The completely innocent actions you take today are being recorded and stored and one day can be tied together and used against you.

So, no more are you crazy for wanting to protect your identity and security, you're insane if you don't.  In light of this we'll talk about some things you can do to keep yourself a bit more secure in the aggressive age of the American Big Brother.

Private Searches

 If you're using Google, Yahoo and Bing, you're basically begging the powers that be to spy on you and you're making it easy for them to do so. These are not good search engines, in fact, they are the opposite of search engines since they create filter bubbles that prevent you from finding things, based on your search history and what they think you want to know.

Instead, opt for private, independent, non-government friendly engines. These do not subject you to the knowledge filter and they help protect your privacy.  Keep in mind, nothing you can do will 100% guarantee your complete privacy, so these aren't magic bullets. They are, however, a layer of protection.

 Make them your go-to browsers, you can add them to your search bar and say goodbye to Google and the likes.

Private Chats

Your chats are not private. If you're using things like Yahoo messenger, you're completely subject to their terms and conditions, which disclaim that they scan and record your conversation and emails. Looking at the NSA revelations as of late, we know that they have keywords and scan and search for things.

There are a couple of options that we recommend. The first one is Pidgin, a private chat program that has some of the bells and whistles you're used to in a chat program.  The next, and the one we like the most, is CrytoCat. This is encrypted, secure and easy to use. There are not records of your chat and it's one of the most secure ways to chat.


Email is something tricky. It is a written trail that is not difficult to tap into. Right now, there are not many options for security in your online written communications. We do know that Yahoo, Hotmail, and Gmail are complete open books that tell you they are going to scan your emails. So, for starters, avoid these programs because we know they're bad options.

Soon, however, we'll have a good new option. Startpage is working on Startmail, a private email that is secure and safe. This will be a paid service, but it will be worth it. We have to remember, those free Yahoo and gmail accounts come with a much higher price in the end.

This is a topic we'll cover frequently, so we hope you'll stay tuned, so to speak. Tell your friends, come back and comment and help everybody know what's at stake.

More information from EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) on protecting yourself online:

Protect online privacy

Government Surveillance Protection

Monday, July 22, 2013

"Royal" birth means one more inbred lunatic in this world

On the right is the current queens inbred, deformed cousin. On right is the current queen as child.
I hate the "royal" family. I will say that unequivocally, with no exceptions, I hate them.The fact that I wake up to see the news following the birth of some "royal" bitch or bastard disgusts me. Let's all be clear, "royal" families inbreed themselves, line breeding like dogs, in order to protect some errant notion of superiority.

There is no such thing as royalty, there is, however, money hungry, power hungry, monstrous families that have been willing to do unspeakable things to crush and destroy humanity. This is nothing to celebrate. The fact that people fall into some weird adoration of people who's only claim to fame is a name is pathetic.

"Royal" families contribute nothing to society, in fact, they rob society of their fundamental rights, wealth and resources. Do you honestly think there is something special about a person simply because they were born into a certain family? That their name should give them rights and opportunities above you or me? Of course not, it is absurd and insulting.

I encourage you to help others see this issue more clearly and stop adoring an inbred family of violent criminals that should be jailed, not praised. America got out from under the flag of the "royal" family a long time ago, so say NO to 24/7 coverage of some future monster's birth.

While our puppet media is dancing around in excitement, pretending we should care, literally manufacturing interest in this ridiculous birth, the world is falling down around us. How about covering real news?

I dare you to shoot somebody down today that opens their mouth in excitement about the birth of some new little "royal" retard that will have the world handed to it. Ask them if they know about the 22 children that DIED last week in India because of Monsanto's poison. Ask them if they know who the Secretary of State is or if they can name all 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

This birth coverages is a distraction and the sooner we all see it, the sooner we can work for change. In the meantime, I wish this "royal" family nothing but the worst because they are directly responsible for so many problems in the world. Countries across the world should tear down any "royal" power structures in place and stop worshiping at the feet of inbred idiots that use their money and resources to steal, plunder and destroy.

Just for fun, here are some sites about "royal" inbreeding, enjoy:

Royal inbreeding and deformities

Inbred queen's cousin

USA Today talks about royal inbreeding

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Should Citizens Shoot Down Drones?

There has been a lot of outrage about the revelations Snowden gave to us regarding the depths at which our government will sink. We are their enemies and they are spying on us all, it's that simple.

Among the new things we now know is that the government have and use drones inside U.S borders, over U.S cities and regular citizens like you and me. We're told, of course, they use the utmost control and oversight and never ever do anything unsavory with this radical new and invasive technology.

However, it seems like not everybody is on board with the  governments vast overstep of boundaries. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) says the the FAA has announced that they are seeking to slow down drone flights. Senate hearings have taken place about the use of drones and private flying robots, smaller than military drones but capable of capturing plenty of personal data.

University of Washington School of Law Professor Ryan Calo acted as a witness at one round of hearings. He stated that drones are "basically flying smartphones."  In other words, they track locations, listen, record and do so from the sky.

Who's Doing it?

U.S. drone flights are conducted by a number of agencies, including the Air Force, Marine Corps and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. But others outside of the military also use the, like  law enforcement agencies, local police departments and even universities

Keep in mind, not all drones are created equal. There are those used by universities to study climate, altitude and other things, but never the less, all are capable of surveillance to one degree or another. Those used by the government are hi-tech, extremely capable of invading your privacy and even include face recognition capabilities. Some are also weaponized.

What Should We Do? 

There have been a few talks at the Federal government level about this problem. Sure, some of our legislators agree that drones are a problem. But as we all know, the government does and will do what they want.Aside from radical change in our power structure and the opinion of the puppeteers running he show, it seems unlikely that we'll rid the sky of drones.

In fact, we'll likely see more, not less, drone activity. Can you think of any examples where the government returned freedoms that it stole? Exactly, this is why it's vitally important to fight vigorously for every remaining bit of freedom we have.

The small town of Deer Trail, Colorado has an idea that I think should become a trend around the country or world. They are offering bounties for people to shoot down drones. They have some specific criteria in place, so it's not like they are just going crazy shooting things in the air. They are specifically trying to empower citizens against the power hungry, anit-privacy big-brother government that's now in place.

So, we're here to ask you what you think...should citizens start taking things into their own hands and shoot down government drones? Do you agree with the decision made by this small Colorado town?

Some article links for your own research:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What if the Internet Goes Away?

If you're an informed adult you do not get your news from the television. The television is for sheep, it tells you what to think, what to care about and distracts you with celebrity stories.
Those of you out there reading this do not use the "boob tube" for news because you know it's a source of mind control, not information.

So you head online and look for real news, wade through the junk, conjecture and full-on made up "inside" information and try to see what's really happening in the world. At the end of the day you know a bit more and have a better picture of what's happening around you.

But, what if the internet went away?

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that it's impossible and will never happen. I used to think that as well, but every day I look around and see plenty of things happening that I never though possible. It's time to rethink what we think the powers that be are capable of, including regulating the internet to such a degree that only companies with big budgets have any online real estate to speak of.

We know that the U.S. Government has an internet kill switch, allowing them to shut it all down in case of what they deem as an "emergency." (Read about the government's ability to kill the net and mobile networks here) We also know that they have worked to pass legislation, all in the name of protection and freedom, to create a tiered internet system, a pay-to-play kind of situation.

That means the information superhighway will become a one-way street, straight from corporations and the government onto your computer. Do you like the way things are going? What will you do when, not if, this happens?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately because I no longer think in terms of "if" but "when." I think we're so far past the point of no return on many things that we have to be in a "now" state of mind. So, what can any of us do when this happens?

Barring having the money and ability to start a new internet system (which my partner had the idea for about a decade ago), our options are limited. You can start a flier, circular or newsletter and work to put it in people's hands. You can try to move your cyber networking into the real world and create some networks of wide awake people that understand the world we're living in.

What ideas to you have? I'm really interested in hearing from you - it's time for all hands to be on deck!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Note from Secrets, Coverups and Conspiracies

I've taken a brief break from updating this blog and am now ready to return. It is a difficult thing, keeping up with our mad world, trying to see the truth behind the stories and looking for the real motivations behind the things going on around us. It is exhausting and mentally draining.

Part of this is because every single day, without exception, there are things worthy of yelling and screaming about... injustice, lies, mass media deception, political corruption, plots against the human race, genetic manipulation, corporate take over of our government. The list goes on and on and it is easy to feel like a lost little boat facing a massive and angry ocean.

I'm not sure that this or anything else I do can help change the tide in our battle to discover the truth and free us all.  I do know, however, that it is something within my power to do and that it's better than nothing.

So I'm going to dive back in and see what I can do. I would appreciate ideas, leads and concerns so that we can get back on track and make a difference. Our email is