Monday, March 9, 2015

Too Busy to Help? There's no such thing....

One thing I hear often from people is that they are concerned about the state of the world but they are too busy to do anything about it.I understand the feeling, and I understand feeling too overwhelmed.

In the end, however, we have to remember that if we don't try to right these wrongs, soon there will be nobody left to take up the fight. That leaves our kids alone in the world when we're gone, facing the problems we were too tired to fight.

So, in that light, let's look at some things we can all do to start making things better. Just as the old saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Here are some "steps" you can take today!

1. Become informed. You can't share information if you yourself are in the dark. Stop believing the news you hear and start looking for yourself. You don't have to give up your hobbies or become a recluse, just spend some time each day reading about any subject. Question the mainstream story, listen to experts and  make it your mission to be informed.

2. Talk to others. I know you don't want to sound like a crazy person, but what price are you paying for your silence? People in WW2 Germany didn't talk about the mysterious trains, missing people and rumors of horrors for fear of being called crazy and labeled a dissenter. Right now you don't have to fear for your life due to your opinion, but that might change one day, so talk about these issues before you lose the ability to disagree!

3. Write letters. Write letters to your local newspapers, to local radio shows, to your representatives, to your congressmen, to your community leaders.... if there are issues in your community, start addressing them. If you are angry about the new Common Core curriculum, write about it. If you are are concerned about legislation to take away rights, write someone about it. When you're silent, they are more powerful.

4. Watch documentaries. I'm not just talking about mainstream documentaries or things on the History Channel. Take a chance and watch something on a topic you're currently cynical about. Watch a good 9/11 truth documentary, one on chemtrails, one on the dangers of vaccines. Watch something you disagree with and see if you may need to re-evaluate your stance.

5. Have viewing parties. You can watch documentaries over important topics with friends, family members or members of your community. You could use your home or get a room at your local library and use their A/V equipment. This is usually free and a great way to open up some minds. Just make a flier and let people know you're going to start hosting concerned citizen view parties.

6. Make fliers. You don't have to be a graphics expert or professional to make fliers over important topics and put them around your community. A simple flier about chemtrails or vaccines can help make people aware. This is great if you're not good at speaking with people but still want to help. Community centers, coffee shops, libraries and book stores are good places to put your fliers!

7. Start a blog or social media account. We all know that the noose is tightening on information freedom. Some day you will not be able to have a blog or speak up against the powers that be. Until that day, you can try and turn the tide by influencing others to join the fight. A free blog or social media account lets you share important information. Just remember, it is best to be non-inflammatory, you want people on your side, you don't want to alienate them!

None of these things require money or much time, so anyone can do them. Please share this list with friends and encourage everyone to do something. We are powerless only if we choose to be!

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