Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Canada's Plan to Vaccinate Pregnant Woman

Pregnant woman are generally fairly precautions about what they put into their bodies. They might steer clear of medications, opts for decaffeinated drinks and try natural ways of curing headaches, insomnia and nausea. So, it is normal that pregnant woman are wary of taking the untested swine flue vaccine.

Canada has come up with a scheme that they feel will encourage woman to get in line for the vaccine. They are buying unadjunvanted vaccines for the pregnant among them, only there are a few problems. First, unadjunvanted are compounds which boost the immune system's response to vaccine so that a smaller does can be used, resulting in the vaccines going further.
This move truly doesn't make sense, such vaccines have never been used in pregnant woman, so it is unlikely to garner any confidence. Also, it has never been tested before for pregnant woman, so there is no data available on if such a vaccine is safe.

Why are they doing this? We can only guess at this point. Read this article and decide for yourself.

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