Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worlds Largest HIV Vaccine Trial

It is the largest HIV vaccine trial ever to be conducted. Right now researchers are involved in a study with over 16,000 participants in Thailand. The vaccine study comes after initial results show that people receiving a series of shots, including a primary vaccine and a booster vaccine, were 31 percent less likely to get HIV, compared to those given a placebo.

While reading about this I began to wonder, how did they know that these participants were 31 percent less likely to get HIV? I mean, did they follow them for years at a time, logging their risky behavior, and test them for HIV every so often? We all know that isn't what they are doing and in reality how can you see if a test subject is less likely to get HIV? One answer, an insidious one, is that they give them the vaccine then expose them to HIV. This would give them results and if I were a betting person, I'd place my money on this scenario.

Read the article, keep your eyes open for more news, and question everything.

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