Thursday, March 28, 2013

Monsanto Protection Act & Back Room Washington Deals

Unless your living under a rock you've heard about the uproar over the Monsanto Protection Act. This piece of legislation, which is the popular name given to HR 933, was supposed to be a spending bill aimed at averting the government shut down. However, in typical Washington D.C. style, last minute, under the radar, and backroom deals, Section 735 was added.

Section 735 is a sneaky and malevolent segment of this bill aimed at giving companies that produce GMO seeds a free pass. They can produce, sell and plant these crops, regardless of the questions that remain over the safety of  genetically modified foods. This offers them a basic immunity from the repercussions we all experience due to their products.

Just as a side note, can you think of any other product in which the manufacturers are granted legal immunity from the dangers of what they produce? They have to label curling irons to guard against lawsuits from misuse, but Bio-tech Agricultural companies can flood the market with dangerous, unproven genetically modified foods.

Sound right to you?

What most people aren't talking about here is the fact that this Section of HR 933 contains a sunset clause, setting it up to expire in 6 months. You have to imagine that there is a reason that this was put in place, especially in the face of the ire against the Monsanto Protection Act. Do they have wind of an upcoming lawsuit? Are we on the verge of an official revelation about the dangerous impact these GMO crops have had?

We're not sure, but we're investigating and suggest you do the same. Tell us your thoughts on HR 933 and how do you plan to oppose this violation of your rights?

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