Friday, September 25, 2009

Pittsburgh Police Use Gas Against Protesters

Pittsburgh Police use pepper spray and smoke to suppress a group of around 300 protesters at the G20 summit. Most of the members of the protest group were from Free Tibet. Others, however, were there to protest the job situation. Pittsburgh has a long history of unemployment and loosing jobs as the steel and other local industries faced rapid decline.

The police being used for security come from around the country, from as far away as 2100 miles. Using non-local police is a tactic employed to make the Police more accepting of using violence upon citizens. After all, it is harder to use violence on your neighbors than it would be to use it on strangers in a far away city.

I say we all contact the Pittsburgh Police Department and tell them it is unacceptable to use violence against unarmed demonstrators.

Here is a link to the Pittsburgh Police Department Feedback form:

And here is their address and number, feel free to contact them and let them know the world is watching!

Police Bureau 1203 Western AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15233Phone: 412-323-7800

Real Terror or Real Government Conspiracy?

Federal officials have arrested terror suspect,Hosan Maher Husein Smadi, in Dallas, Texas. In the country illegally, Smadi had been living in the Dallas area for some time. They say he was planning to bomb a local skyscraper and that he had previously tried to set off a vehicle-based explosive at the base of the 60-story Fountain Place tower.

Authorities claim that they have been watching Smadi for some time, following his violent posts on the extremist chat sites. Articles we've been watching claim that officials did have court affidavits to spy on Smadi, but no information have been released on what information they presented to court in order to get the affidavits.

What we are curious about is if this has happened at all, or if the government is hoping to continue ramping up fears so that we all walk a little more closely in line. After all, remember Tom Ridge, previous Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge, admits that he raised the terror alert for political reasons. He claims that George W. Bush pressured him to raise the "terror alert" level to influence the November 2004 US election.

Now that we know this, the powers-that-be know that it will take more than them just changing the national alert level to get us to sign away more rights and ignore what is happening on the world scene.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

They Claim Handwashing Isn't That Helpful with Preventing H1N1

There are many reports that people are resistant and reluctant to the H1N1 vaccine. We have reported about experts and health care workers all saying they will not take the vaccine. So, it was only a matter of time before the powers that be come out with stories and claims to try and scare us all into standing in line for a vaccine.

Now CDC and WHO experts are saying that washing your hands isn't really that effective in stopping or reducing its spread. They say that even if you wash your hands, somebody could sneeze on you, and you'll get ill that way. But, honestly, isn't that the case with just about every communicable disease?

In truth, they are trying to get us all to do what they want, which is to take the unproven, untested and dangerous vaccine. I wont, hopefully you won't as well.

Worlds Largest HIV Vaccine Trial

It is the largest HIV vaccine trial ever to be conducted. Right now researchers are involved in a study with over 16,000 participants in Thailand. The vaccine study comes after initial results show that people receiving a series of shots, including a primary vaccine and a booster vaccine, were 31 percent less likely to get HIV, compared to those given a placebo.

While reading about this I began to wonder, how did they know that these participants were 31 percent less likely to get HIV? I mean, did they follow them for years at a time, logging their risky behavior, and test them for HIV every so often? We all know that isn't what they are doing and in reality how can you see if a test subject is less likely to get HIV? One answer, an insidious one, is that they give them the vaccine then expose them to HIV. This would give them results and if I were a betting person, I'd place my money on this scenario.

Read the article, keep your eyes open for more news, and question everything.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why You Should Believe H1N1 Vaccine is a BioWeapon

I know that it is hard to believe, let alone convince your family and friends, that the H1N1 vaccine is minimally dangerous to your health, and most likely, a bioweapon. After all, most of us went to public schools and grew up to trust officials and others in a position of power. It is hard to accept that the government, full of people we campaign and vote for, might be against us or view us as livestock to be managed.

In reality, however, all governments have a history of abusing the populace in all sorts of ways. You could go back to the founders of this country intentionally giving small pox to natives. Or, what about Rev. Sheepshanks and Robert Brown, both missionaries, giving the Salish Natives a live smallpox virus, to wipe them out within a month. That happened just prior to 'settlement' of the area, in other words, they were just preparing the area for themselves.

The Tuskegee incident comes to mind, when our government allowed 399 black men to languish with Syphilis just to see what happens. In 1976 thousands were made ill by an inoculation against Swine Flu, when the government claimed a pandemic was coming. Only one person died of the Swine Flu, while thousands were permanently injured through the government's vaccine.

And, there are so many other documented cases of this kind of betrayal, it is really undeniable that our and other governments are capable of such actions against the people.

So, don't rule out the potential for the government to use us all for experiments, to try and control us and yes, even to thin us out when they deem necessary. If you need more evidence, write us and we'll send you more than you'll want to know about this topic.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ever Heard of Rex 84?

Rex 84 is short for Readiness Exercise 1984 and was begun with 34 federal and civil departments and NATO nations. Originally they conducted "civil readiness" exercises, including Night Train 84, a worldwide military command post exercise program. In reality, REX 84 was the beginning of the Fema camps, and it should show you just how long these plans have been in the works.

Part of the initial cover story was that this program and the many camp-like facilities that it spawned, was that it was to help detain a potential massive influx of illegal immigrants. Now, the numbers of these camps aren't well known, but reports have them at between 600-800. Most reports and rumors, which all likely have minimally a kernel of truth, state that all are staffed but empty. All are also near railways, which might be a method for locating these facilities for the adventurous at heart.

While we don't have exact information on the numbers and locations of all the camps, there is a lot of information out there if you look for it. And, for those of you that feel that nothing like this can or will happen, we have a few things to remind you of a few things.

The Tuskegee incident was a secret medical program to allow nearly 400 black males suffer and die with syphilis, just to see what happens through the course of the disease. Our government admits to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where it falsely reported violence from North Vietnamese ships in the Gulf in order to push us into the Vietnam war. There are other such lies from governments to it's citizens, in our country and abroad.

Don't be a skeptic all the way to the FEMA camp.

Drive Through Flu Shots-No Joke

Are you in too much of a hurry to stop into a clinic and get your seasonal flu shot? Don't worry, if you live in the Kansas City area you can get your regular flu shot from the convenience of your car. And, while they aren't offering the H1N1 vaccine yet, they likely will when it becomes available. You can also get your vaccine without an appointment and at no cost. They will be taking donations of non-perishable goods.

The real question is why people are still getting these shots. If the flu shot did anything, wouldn't there be less and less people getting the flu? The H1N1 vaccine is a dangerous, untested, unproven experiment upon the American people. It will make billions for pharmaceutical companies and millions more for the health care system when people who have been made ill by the shot seek treatment.
Say no to this and all vaccine!

Real Terrorists or Possible False Flag?

It will take more than a non-demic flu like the swine flu debacle to make Americans stand in line for the vaccine, cooperate with martial law, or agree en mass to RFID chips or any other insane thing the New World Order types want to impose. So knowing that, perhaps we all should question the recent "terrorist" news, such as the recent arrest in Colorado and New York.
The claim is that the legal permanent resident of the United States, who was originally from Afghanistan, were involved with Al Qeada and they were also charged with making false statements. The Justice Department claims that they were cooking up a potential plot involving hydrogen peroxide-based explosives.
As dramatic as this story seems, we wonder if it might have be a 'false-flag' type situation. Americans have become less worried about terrorism with the sting of 9/11 far enough behind us. We've become tired of the wars over seas and the swine flu scare doesn't have enough steam to get millions of Americans standing in the vaccine line.

Read the stories and keep an eye on the news. Maybe we can call them out on this one before it happens.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Proof Vaccine is a Big Experiment

This is just about enough to make your head spin. We look at the news stories every day, and frankly, we're just about sick of health officials and pharmaceutical companies talking with authority while contradicting themselves.

At first we were told that 2 shots would be necessary for the H1N1 vaccine to be effective. Some reports then said 3 shots might be needed. Then we were told the "good" news, they have found that only 1 shot would be needed after all. Then they said that only 1 shot would be needed as long as it had the adjuvant, which would increase the immune response with a smaller dose. Then we were told that, some groups would need two shots and others would be fine with one...

Well, if you had any confidence left in the system, listen to this new information, brought to us by government health offices. They say that tests of Sanofi-Pasteur's swine flu vaccine showed children of ten years and older responding to the vaccine for swine flue just like they do to regular flu, and so they only need a single dose. Younger children, however, need two shots, about 21 days apart.

So, if any part of your brain is even considering getting this vaccine, think about how they can't even come to some agreement on the amount of shots needed, so how good is their information on other things, like the safety of vaccine and the need for a vaccine in the first place. What makes you think they really know what they are talking about and that this is anything other than a big experiment.

Get Ready for H1N1 Stories in News

You can't seem to make it a day without hearing about the H1N1 flu and the upcoming vaccine. People on this side of the issue have been screaming about this topic, and some of the major problems with the mainstream story we're being sold. One of the biggest problems is the fact that there is no plan to use laboratory confirmation to get an actual count of swine flu cases. Instead of that, people with "flu-like" symptoms will all be counted and we all know that that means people with seasonal flu and colds will all be lumped into a number in an attempt to expand the swine flu scare.
A recent article on CNN lays out a few of the symptoms to watch for and to distinguish between different flues. However, the CDC admits that, " It's hard, without testing, to tell apart the seasonal strain of flu from the H1N1 variety."

So when you hear the swine flu statistics, keep in mind that there is no system in place or requirement that these cases get confirmed in a lab. Also, start asking why they are trying to build up this flu into a major event in the first place?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Boston Tracking People That Get H1N1 Vaccine

In the "Sounds Crazy But It's True" category, we offer you a story we hope you all jump in and complain about. Yesterday, a program was launched in Boston to track those who got the H1N1 Vaccine. They say this is technology was made for mass disasters, but it is actually hard to imagine a disaster which would call for bracelets with unique identifiers.

Allegedly they are using this to create a vaccination map and identify at-risk areas. Seems like the only things at risk are privacy and the right to say no to poisonous vaccines.

Is our government gearing up to enforce mandatory vaccinations? And, for a flu more mild than the seasonal flu that goes around every year? I don't buy it, and we encourage you to not buy it either.

Call the Boston Public Health Commission and tell them you are wise to their Big-Brother program. The number is (617)534-5395 and their site, which does talk about their 'award winning" tracking work is :

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Using H1N1 Vaccine for Babies Worries Experts

There is no shortage of news regarding the H1N1 vaccine. And, unless you are reading medical journals, most of the stories don't involve specifics. We recently reported about Canada's plan to use a form of the H1N1 vaccine that contain an adjuvant. Adjuvants is a substance which boosts the vaccine's effectiveness so that a single dose will do the job.

In Canada they were pushing this for pregnant woman and now we learn that they are planning to use such vaccines on all of those in the target groups: pregnant woman, infants and children.
However, what makes this even more alarming is the fact that there is absolutely no evidence that such vaccines are safe for any of those in the target group.
Of particular worry are infants, for which there is no body of evidence to know if the vaccine is safe. There is no plan to use or make adjuvant-free vaccines available for infants. Experts in Canada are calling for the government to make a 'safer' vaccine available for newborns up to 18 months old.

While we can't tell anybody what to do, we here at SSC are encouraging everybody to say NO to this vaccine and to not allow their doctors to push them into vaccinating themselves or their children.

Singapore Buys 1 Million Doses of H1N1 Vaccine

Singapore is known for having an amazing number of laws on the books. For instance, until very recently, it was illegal to sale gum, spit in public,not flush a public toilet and bungee jump. So a recent report that the government of Singapore has bought a million doses of the H1N1 vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline prompts one to wonder if they will also make getting vaccinated a mandatory requirement?

There are just about 4.5 million people in Singapore, so these vaccines have the potential to reach close to a fourth of their entire population. It seems likely that they might be the first country to force vaccination, given their love affair with laws and their massive police force. With little recourse, there is no telling what will happen if people refuse. However, perhaps their populations apparent acceptance of their legal code makes them unlikely to question anything their government says.

Keep your eyes on Singapore, their fate might be our fate if we don't keep our own government in check.

World Record Trout or Genetically Modified Experiment?

A Saskatchewan fisherman recently caught a world-record breaking rainbow trout. The fist weighed in at 48 pounds and was pulled from Lake Diefenbaker. The interesting thing about this story is that the fish came from that lake, in which genetically engineered trout had escaped 9 years ago. In 2007 another world-record rainbow trout had been caught, it weighed 47 pounds.

There is some controversy as to if these fish should get to hold the record, since the genetically engineered trout who escaped were modified to grow large. The argument is, if these fish are the escaped, enhanced kind, then they shouldn't hold any record.

The real question should be, why are we genetically modifying fish to grow large. Companies can’t sale genetically modified corn and many countries have laws severely restricting genetically modified foods. Would you want to eat anything that had been created in a lab?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

CDC Claims No Thimerosal In Swine Flu Vaccine

The Center for Disease Control claims that the new single dose H1N1 vaccine will be thimerosal-free. There will also be an inhaler sprayer version of the vaccine that is also going to be clear of thimerosal.

The odd thing about this is not that the vaccine will not have mercury in it, but why the CDC is worrying if it does or does not have the infamous ingredient in it at all. The government claims that mercury (thimerosal is mercury) doesn't cause health problems. It has been adamant that there is no link between vaccines and autism. So if that is the case, why worry about it in the H1N1 vaccine?

My guess is that they know there is a link and that thimerosal causes health problems and they want to get as many people as possible with this round of vaccines.

University of Daytona Has First Case of Swine Flu

The University of Daytona reported that it has it's first confirmed case of the Swine Flu. The student is already recovering and back to classes. The University says that there might be other students who have been ill with flu like symptoms, but they might not have sought medical help or have primary care doctors. In either case, they are requesting that students report to them if they are feeling ill so that they can get a handle on the actual number of cases.

What the article doesn't say is if they will be getting lab confirmation on all people who report "flu-like symptoms" or if they will simply count them all as swine flu. Right now, the WHO nor the CDC require swine flu to be confirmed by a lab.
So my question, how will we ever know the real numbers since there is no way to clinically establish regular flu from H1N1? The answer is that we won't, and they don't want us too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Surprised? FDA Approves H1N1 Vaccine

Bad Medicine Strikes Againt...

Like there was even a tiny chance it wouldn't happen, the FDA approved H1N1 vaccine and say there will be plenty for everybody...I bet there will, because frankly, the more we look into vaccines, the more we are convinced there has not been a single vaccine intended to help the public.

The CDC says there are 11 states reporting a lot of flu activity, and that the vaccines will be ready earlier than previously anticipated. We can expect the poison to hit the market in about 3 weeks.

All we can give is our opinion here, and we urge you to refuse the vaccine for yourself and your family and to encourage your friends to do the same.

Poaching of Gorillas is Up in Congo

We recently published a link and story about a woman who is the first documented case of SIV linked case of HIV in humans. She was thought to have contracted it in the Congo, in an Urban area, but she denies eating what is called 'bush meat'.

This story out today talks about how many gorillas are poached for 'bush meat' weekly, an illegal but common practice. Investigators discovered that most of the urban market's got their gorilla meat from the same area, but admit that hundreds more could be transported out of the area.
Is there a link between eating meat, which in this case is often smoked, and contracting a viral disease? Raw and undercooked meat can mean food poisoning, that is for certain. What isn't clear is how the SIV virus infected the first identified female or how many other people might be infected.

Birth Defect Rate Alarming in China

Over the past few years the world has come to know of some of the problems with industrialized China. Lead in everything, using sawdust as filler in food, amazing ecological problems like wide spread pollution. So when I read this report, I can't say that I was surprised in the least.

China is reporting "alarming" rates of birth defects, with an area known for coal mining to be the hardest hit area. However, it seems that other factors are at work because both urban and rural areas are effected by the sad trend. The government says it is going to work on a prevention plan, but I've not found any details on what they think they can do.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why the Push to Move to Digital Books?

Over the past several weeks we've been noticing articles about the increasing popularity of ebooks and ebook readers. Amazon still subsidizes it's ebooks, but sales are on the rise. Part of the reason on the side of the consumers is likely due to our never ending love affair with technology. The other reason is that ebooks often cost 1/2 or less than print books.

But,we here at SCC wonder why there is such a push to move us to digital books? The prices of the readers are dropping, faster than most other new technology, and more than a few companies follow Amazon's lead and subsidize the cost for putting out digital books.

We all know that the Patriot Act allows an unprecedented amount of spying on us, including our books store and library purchases. Could a move to digital books make keeping tabs on us and what information we are individually interested in, even easier?

What do you think?

CBS Video on Dangers of H1N1 Vaccine

The following link takes you to a video about the H1N1 vaccine, as aired on CBS's Unplugged series. It has CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton and NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher discuss the possible dangers with the H1N1 vaccine. They do cover the politics of allowing "unlicensed" components in vaccines and the problem with fast tracking a vaccine.

They do call the panic an over reaction and the swine flu "mild", so there is hope that even those in the mainstream are not buying the H1N1 scare!

Check out the video and see what you think?

Let the Fear Begin!

Those of us on this side of the debate knew it was coming, so it is no shock that the panic button is getting pushed in regards to the H1N1 non-demic. A student at Cornell is said to have died of the swine flu, now the campus reports that 500 are ill with flu-like symptoms. They say they fear the outbreak and are encouraging people to stay at home if they are ill, even advising their professors to go easier on students absences.

What is not reported that the WHO no longer requires cases to be verified in a lab. Therefor, there is no way to distinguish swine flu from other flues and illnesses. In short, this is simply scare tactics to try and get everybody to willingly take the H1N1 vaccine.

It's not going to work!

You remember form Illinois Governor Blagojevich and the corruption scandal that came to light earlier this year? Well on Sunday his former chief fundraiser,Christopher Kelly, died, apparently due to an overdose of prescription medicine.
He had recently undergone a surgery, but the type of procedure and type of pain killer have not been released. He did have a prescription for post-opt pain, however other drugs were found in his vehicle. Right now it hasn't been released if the drugs in the vehicle were or were not prescribed.
The always outspoken Blagojevich says he feels it was a suicide because the government had been putting pressure on Kelly to testify and "lie" about him and the scandal. While that is possible, there are other possibilities as well. Since Blagojevich was literally caught red handed and forced out of office, it is likely that those close to him have incriminating information. Perhaps investigators will find that this wasn't a suicide after all?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Coincidence or Hidden Messages?

This is the anniversary of 9/11. If you found your way to our site, you likely feel that 9/11 was an inside job. We might have different theories on if there were planes or bombs or about who the true masterminds of the event were, but we definitely don't buy the story they've tried to sell us.

Thinking about today reminded me about how you could fold some bills in certain ways and like magic, some very familiar images appear. We thought we'd put them up for you again, in case you have also forgotten. It is hard to believe that it is all just a coincidence.
The 10 dollar bill, when folded, does sure seem to look like the twin towers on fire.

The fifty dollar bill looks like the towers crumbling.

And, the 100 does look like the towers have just been demolished and all that is left is smoke.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homeland Security Buildling Under Construction

This story can't be right, I mean, our economy is struggling now and we are paying for two wars and times are tight, right? That's only partially why it is so shocking that our government has just started construction on a 3.4 billion dollar Homeland Security building. The monstrous building will become the new home for 15,000 employees which now are in 35 different offices.

This is a huge undertaking as well, with the only larger construction project being the Pentagon 60 years ago. The only thing more shocking than the amount of the project and price of this project is the fact that we need such a huge complex for Homeland Security.

The Department of Homeland Security was started in 2001, only 8 years ago. In that time it has ballooned to colossal proportions and sucked untold millions out of the country's coffers. This new billion dollar building is just the latest and most evident.

History of Homeland Security Dept-

Billion Dollar Complex-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Senate Seeks to Raise Debt Ceiling

We all know that, in general, debt isn't a great thing. Student loans are one thing, credit cards with a balance made up of impulse purchases is another. Our government, however, couldn't exist without debt and in fact, our entire Federal Reserve system would be in jeopardy. I'm not saying that would be a bad thing, but few would argue that debt has gotten out of control in the United States.
The Senate's new move to increase the acceptable debt ceiling to an amazing 12.1 trillion by October of this year. If you do some research on the topic you'll see that a lot of people in the financial industry are concerned by this, some saying it is bad news regarding the overall health of our economy.

Gardasil for Boys?

Girls are being forced to have Garadsil even though it has some dangerous side effects. Now there is a push to get the FDA to approve of the vaccine for boys! Those of us on the anti-vaccine side of the debate have a lot of ideas about the true nature of all vaccines. No matter where you are in the debate, you have to at least question why this vaccine is now being pushed onto the male population.

Also being considered is GlaxoSmithKline's new vaccine, Cervarix, for girls and woman 10-25 years old. Chances are high that they will get the approval for both the new use for Gardasil and for the new drug Cervarix, a double win for GlaxoSmithKline who will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Canada's Plan to Vaccinate Pregnant Woman

Pregnant woman are generally fairly precautions about what they put into their bodies. They might steer clear of medications, opts for decaffeinated drinks and try natural ways of curing headaches, insomnia and nausea. So, it is normal that pregnant woman are wary of taking the untested swine flue vaccine.

Canada has come up with a scheme that they feel will encourage woman to get in line for the vaccine. They are buying unadjunvanted vaccines for the pregnant among them, only there are a few problems. First, unadjunvanted are compounds which boost the immune system's response to vaccine so that a smaller does can be used, resulting in the vaccines going further.
This move truly doesn't make sense, such vaccines have never been used in pregnant woman, so it is unlikely to garner any confidence. Also, it has never been tested before for pregnant woman, so there is no data available on if such a vaccine is safe.

Why are they doing this? We can only guess at this point. Read this article and decide for yourself.

Mainstream Article Warns of Rushing for Vaccine

This isn't news for us and other non-mainstream sources for information, but to see a mainstream article warn about the rush to push and vaccinate is music to our ears. The article, which can be found at the link below, warns that we are likely to repeat history if we aren't careful.
The Swine Flu isn't new, it has been around and people have gotten in the past, which is news enough to some people. There was an outbreak in 1976 in which a single person died. The government, however, created a huge panic and pushed a massive vaccination campaign which resulted in death, paralysis and suffering for lots of unsuspecting citizens.
The vaccinations given were the cause of the problem, resulting in a rare disorder called Guillain-Barré Barre syndrome. Are we on the brink of another such disaster?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clinical Trial of HIV/AIDS Vaccine in Africa

Many people have become aware of how dangerous vaccines really are and it is no coincidence that they make millions ill rather than help prevent illnesses. So, when we hear new reports of vaccines coming to the surface, we become wary, not excited at the promise of preventing any illness.

A clinical trial, the first of its kind, for an HIV/AIDS vaccine just recently started in South Africa. A similar, smaller trial was completed in the US earlier in the year, however the vaccine was created in South Africa and seeks to determine the immune response of currently HIV negative participants after receiving 2 experimental vaccines. We've not been able to find information on the particulars of the vaccine, such as their composition. We are certain, however, that they aren't intended to help anybody and just might be part of either a sterilization or general biowarfare campaign.

And, while the vaccines were created in South Africa, the company involved is not an African company. We'll bring you more information as we find it, so stay tuned.

We're Number 1- Way to Go America!

With our health care system in shambles, our schools an international joke, and our economy falling apart at the seams, it is good to know that the good ol'USA can be ahead in something, right? It seems that the US leads the world in foreign weapon sales for 2008, accounting for a whooping 2/3 of all sales!

The numbers are huge, with US weapon sales increasing 50%, jumping from $25.4 billion to $37.8 billion! And, this with the entire world in an economic downturn! I guess no budget is too tight to include a few billion for heavy weaponry?

What really makes this amazing is that we have created quite a racket for ourselves. We insert ourselves into the business of countries all over the war, invade countries and start wars while at the same time selling the very weapons needed to fight those wars. It is every businessman's dream come true, only problems is that it leads to millions of death and suffering, our only real exports any more.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A New Strain of HIV?

The topic of HIV is a hot one, one that leads to endless debates over the source and true nature of the disease. Many people, including experts and scientists, say that HIV is an impossibility in nature, and that it had to have been created in a lab. Dr. Horowitz is one of these experts, but there are others and the numbers of those that question the source for HIV are growing.
That is what brought this story to our attention. Researchers claim that they've discovered an HIV infection in a woman that is much closer to SIV than they've seen in humans before. SIV is a gorilla strain but this is the first time that SIV is the source for an HIV infection in a human.

They they say that this strain will still respond to the standard anti-virals and is no more deadly than other strains. It isn't detectable, however, by standard tests, so our understanding of how many people might have this strain is limited at best.

Friday, September 4, 2009

WHO Admits to Releasing Viruses?

Recently, we've come across alarming and unprecedented on the World Health Organization's website. It appears to admit that in Europe, vaccines are sometimes used containing live viruses of strains not recently seen in the population in order to conduct studies. They 'mimic' a pandemic by releasing a virus under a mock-vaccine!?!

Here is a section from this article:
"Also in Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus. Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval."

WHO Backs Off A Bit On Swine Flu

For the past few months we've been overwhelmed with news about the Swine flu. We've been subjected to scare tactics, had to listen to all manner of propaganda regarding this flu and we are having to fight against draconian legislation that seeks to force vaccination. Why? Well, we were told that this could be the worst pandemic in recent history.

However, today the WHO came out and said that this flu hasn't mutated, isn't as dangerous as they originally thought because it's not causing more severe illness than seasonal flu. It no longer requires cases to be laboratory confirmed, so any numbers pertaining to the amount of individuals infected at this point are just guesses.

But, just for good measure, they do hold steady that this flu will infect millions worldwide. (Remember, these cases will not be confirmed in a lab so many 'regular' flus could be counted in these numbers) However, here at SSC want to remind you that millions get seasonal flu every year and that 36,000 die in the U.S alone. So, keep that in mind and say no to the vaccine, encourage your friends and family to also say no.

Close to AIDS Vaccine?

Recently researchers claim to be close to creating a "vaccine" for AIDs, and a new article on Reuters outlines their efforts. The claim is that they have, " identified two immune system compounds called antibodies that could neutralize the virus." This comes from the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California and was reported in the journal Science.

They say they have found a new part to the virus and that the newly discovered antibodies attack this particular part. They might be able to use this information to design a vaccine, broadening this attack and destroying the virus.

I don't know about you, but this sounds a bit like junk to us here. I'm not sure we've ever read such a vague report on a supposed breakthrough. They have detailed the AIDS virus in years past, how have they just now found a 'new part' to it? And, every virus you get results in the production of antibodies. Our best guess is that this is the build-up to another questionable and dangerous vaccine.

Unemployment 26 Year High

We keep hearing the experts talk about how we are turning the corner on the "recession" but at the same time, we see reports that counter their claims. Yesterday we reported that a record number of people, to the tune of 35 million, receive food stamp benefits. Today other numbers have been released and it confirms something the public already knows; things aren't looking good out there.
CNN money just reported that unemployment are at a 26 year high. The report from which the numbers came also show 9.1 million under-employed, working part-time jobs because they are unable to find full time employment. In truth, we all know that there are many people that slip through the statistical stats, like those who are ineligible for benefits, those for whom benefits have run out, and the under-employed.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Record Numbers Need Food Stamps

We've all known that the economy is bad, people are loosing their jobs and food pantries all across the country have been feeling the strain. But, today's figures have set a record, up a full 22% since June. The numbers of those needing food assistance have risen for the last seven months straight.
Currently 35 million Americans are receiving benefits. As unemployment rises, it is likely that so will the number of people needing help. The Department of Labor is set to release unemployment figures this Friday.

Government Plans to Spend Billions on Swine Flu Vaccine

In what seems like sheer insanity, the Obama administration is set to spend 2.7 billion on drugs to combat the swine flu. This amount is over and above the 1.8 billion already set aside to spend on the propaganda-pandemic. The money will collectively go to vaccines, anti-viral drugs, and campaigns to encourage people to get the shot.
We here at SS&C are calling this the stimulus package for Big Pharma, because that must be the intent behind spending such funds. We've already heard Novartis saying that H1N1 is good for their bottom line (see previous post), and with governments spending this kind of money, it is easy to see that this will help fill up the coffers of drug companies around the world.

Drug Company Says Single Dose Is Enough

Proving that they drug companies don't know what they are doing, Novartis now claims that one dose will be enough in the imaginary war against the relatively benign swine-flu. Previously we have been told that two or three doses might be necessary in order to be protected. That, however, has proven a problem because we are set to have a shortage of these doses as countries rush to stock pile the vaccine.

The drug company Roche couldn't be happier about this situation it would seem, with their executive stating, "At the beginning of this year, we forecast our sales would rise by 20 percent. Looking at things now, H1N1 has given us an opportunity, so the rise should be more than 20 percent." They aren't the only company planning to win big with this propaganda campaign, they just got caught actually admitting it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Massachuettes Passes Bill to Force Swine Flu Vaccine

In a scary piece of legislation, Massachusetts initially passes a pandemic and disaster preparation bill (S. 2028). If this makes it through the House and becomes law, it could result in an unprecedented power to do everything from force vaccinations through threat of quarantine and involuntarily confine,transport or fine people thousands of dollars who are non-compliant.

While this legislation passed through the Senate unanimously, it is stalling in the House. The House representatives are being flooded with angry calls of people who say they will refuse the vaccine and other such protests. I'd urge you to call and write, regardless of where you live, so they all know we are watching and aware.

Pfizer to Pay Record Fines

You're likely not surprised that a big pharamcuetical company has recently been found guilty of unlawfully promoting their wares. Pfizer, a giant in the industry, is set to pay 2.3 billion in penalties, both civil and criminal, over unlawful prescription drug promotions.
One of their tactics was creating phony doctor's requests for information and then sending information about off label uses, unapproved uses and dosages. Additionally they would do the typical "wine and dine" of doctors to encourage them to prescribe their drugs.
Such companies have a strangle hold on us and they have their eyes set on the swine flu pandemic we are being sold. Such companies are set to make untold millions off the swine flu vaccines, literally selling an unproduced vaccine to countries who are stocking up for the swine flu pandemic they believe will happen this fall.

Are We Really Running Out of Oil?

Oil companies around the world want us to believe that oil is a finite item that will one day run out. They raise prices and fuel wars over the idea that we need oil and only a few places are lucky enough to have it. Why else would the entire world be so invested in the Middle East if not for the oil under their sand?

Well, not everybody believes that oil is a byproduct of centuries past. Dr. Thomas Gold, founder and director of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research presented a different theory in 1980 which now has more than a few other respected scientists behind it.
The idea is that the earth actually creates oil deep below the surface where temperatures are hot and pressure is high. In his book "The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels" calls the earth an oil factory and suggests that this will become apparent as our technology improves allowing us to find deeper oil reserves.

Just recently BP, Europe's second largest oil company, found what is being called a "giant" oil reserve very deep under the Gulf of Mexico. The well they drilled is the world's deepest exploration well and just might be the tip of the iceberg, perhaps even helping prove Dr. Gold's theory about the true nature of oil.

Bailed Out Bankers Make Out Like Bandits

Top executives at failed bailed-out banks who were given millions in stock are set to make millions as stocks rebound. Some of the institutions listed are firms like Goldman Sachs Group Inc, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Corp and Citigroup.

The numbers are huge, as you might imagine, and frustrating in a time where most of us are struggling and unemployment continues to climb. Five of the top executives at 10 financial institutions that benefited from the taxpayer backed bailout have seen their stock rise (as in an increase over value) 90 million dollars!

So, perhaps there has been talk about curbing the big bonus system of big finance, but in reality, nothing has changed.

Obama Pushing the Swine Flu Vaccine

Our government ramped up the fear factor today with a video and message by the commander in chief, Obama himself, urging everyone to get the swine flu vaccine. The message is that the vaccine is voluntary but encouraged. At least the message does include some common sense, like saying the washing hands and staying home if you're sick are also important measures to take.

Since vaccine development is referred to as "on-going" and since the regular seasonal flu kills about 36,000 every year to begin with, we wonder exactly why they are pushing this vaccine so hard? Check out the story for yourself at: