Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mystery Illness in Uganda...Sure

Anytime I hear about "new" illnesses or "mystery" illnesses I generally think that it's not really new or a mystery, but rather some bio-weapon or experiment. So, when I hear that more than 3,000 children in northern Uganda are under the grips of a debilitating mystery illness, I just don't think it's true at all.

This particular ailment, called nodding disease, is decimating children and ravaging families. It ONLY effects children and always leads to death. It takes a healthy child and turns them into a waster, seizure prone shell that often wastes away, bedridden.

Reports claim that officials are searching for the cause of this illness. They have looked for parasites, river-born illnesses and have turned up nothing. I don't buy it, because this is a new phenomena and we're expected to believe that these people lived in this area for how many generations with no problems like this until now?

I'd love to know if there were any UN activity, World Health Organization actions or vaccinations programs, etc... I find it too hard to believe that these poor people are suffering from anything natural. If any of you have additional information please send it our way.

Read the full story here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Have a Story That Needs to Be Told????

You guys are out there daily hearing and watching world events, reading articles and watching the news. Have you come across a great story that can't be ignored? Send it our way and we will get it in front of as many people as possible through this and other forums.

We have to work together if we are to have any effect in the world. A single person can make a big difference, a network of people can take the world back.

Send us your tips, stories, chatter you've heard etc....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Congress is Full of Inside Traders

You know what happens if you or I get inside information on a business and then use that information to buy or sell  stocks in order to profit? We get in trouble and most likely end up in jail. You know what happens if Congress does this you know what they get? Rich.

In November 6o Minutes broke this story about Congress and their free pass on insider trading. They called it "political intelligence" and suggested that this is why Congress people enter office with regular bank accounts and leave office multi-millionaires.

That's right, members of Congress can legally use insider information on the inner workings of companies, up and coming business maneuverings and deals in order to profit.

Here is the original 60 Minutes story.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Time Magazine Feeds American Readers Junk

I saw something on John Stewart's Daily show that really made me mad. It seems like Time magazine thinks that the United States can't handle real news. Either that or they simply want to hide from us all the real events happening across the globe.

Check out this image here to the left. The overseas version shows a seen from Egypt on December 5 from 2011.  In America we got a fluff piece on how anxiety is good for you, with this silly cartoon cover.  The rest of the world got news about the protests and revolts in Egypt.

This isn't a rare occurring, in fact it's standard practice for Time Magazine. That's right, it seems like they regularly feed Americans this kind of light-weight garbage while the rest of the world hears about revolts, protest and real world news. Check out this sample below:

U.S. readers got to read about the science of favoritism while the rest of the world read about the declining Euro.So while the rest of the world deals with protests, revolts, violence, collapsing monetary systems you and I are looking at junk-articles. This should make you all angry - pass it a long and why not tell Time what you think?

Read one of these articles and decide for yourself.
Yahoo covers this story.
Covers this Time pattern.

Feds Raid Amish Farms at Gun Point

I think when I was in school this sort of story was told about places like China and Russia. Those evil communist nations took away the rights of citizens and managed them like children. Fast forward to today where you hear about our very own Federal Government raiding Amish farms, often at gun point, for the supreme crime of.....wait for it..... selling raw milk.

Yes, I wish it weren't true but in the United States of America the government is wasting your money to set up fake raw milk buys to prove allegations and to raid the homes of Amish families.

Seriously? If this doesn't anger you then you might be dead inside.  Think about armed Feds turning up at your home at 5 in the morning for a forced inspection, being told you'll have to pay for your own prosecution and having your livelihood taken away.

There will still be mindless people defending this sort of thing, saying, well, unpasteurized milk is dangerous. Now, there are also plenty of other dangerous things in our world; gravity, travel by car or airplane, knives, fireplaces, sports.... Should be prosecute people for these things for their own good? Exactly, and this is where the entire nation is going and it might be unstoppable at this point. What do you think friends?

Here is one article covering this story in full.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The American Dream Film

This film is genius. It makes the complicated topic of the gold standard, the Federal Reserve Lie and the true power structure simple and entertaining. Let's help them get some attention; everybody should see this short, educational film.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Police Brutality On the Rise

Photo Credit: Simon Howden
Is it just me or does police violence seem to be on the rise? I was trying to figure out if I am just more aware of it or if it's actually happening more and more. I decided to look into it a bit and I've found some interesting articles and news stories which assert just that.

This first article talks about a federal crack down on police violence. It ran August of 2011 and revealed that 20 different police departments around the nation are under federal investigation for civil rights violations. Read the full story here.

Here is another article last year, again in August, about a rise in police violence in Chicago.  The Independent Police Review Authority issued a report about the startling rise in violence in the Chicago police department. You can read their full report here. 16 death by police shooting at the publish date, so about 2 people a month gunned down!

In November of 2011 this story ran covering an investigation at the University of Berkeley. This came on the heels of stories of  police violence against peaceful Occupy protesters.The reports were pretty awful and again, this made national news.

Here are some more highlights:

What do you think, reader - are police becoming more violent? 

Facebook and the CIA

Now, I'm not yet willing to say that Facebook was a CIA project all along. In spite of this blog's title I do require some convincing before jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon. But, I am looking and the more I look the more interesting information I find.

I found a mainstream news article about "Open Source Officers" and if that reminds you of something out of 1984 you're not alone. These are CIA employees that sit in a government building in an industrial park somewhere in Virginia. They monitor Facebook, Twitter, blogs, chat rooms.... basically anywhere you go to talk, they are looking.

While the article focuses more on this activities in relation to foreign lands and spy-like plots of terrorists etc.... one would have to be mindless and naive to think that such monitoring was off limits within the United States. After all, people are basically giving up their life story online, telling every tiny detail of their lives, including minute-by-minute tracking of your location thanks to new Facebook "features."

Check it out for yourself and make up your own mind. If you're so inclined delete your Facebook page and stop making it easy for them. This little blog is enough for me and I'm sure it raises eyebrows enough if ever it gets on the radar.  What do you think friend?

Murdered Over Facebook

I don't even know where to go with this one; how can you write anything logical over something so senseless and insane.  A husband and wife, and new parents, were shot in the head and the male had his throat cut over defriending Jenelle Potter, 38.  The dead mother still held her infant child, which was unharmed, in her arms.

Potter's father and friend are facing murder charges. Jenelle herself faces no charges at this time.   This violent crime happened in Nashville, Tennessee and as crazy as it is, it's not the first time real world violence has been linked to virtual world happenings.

Are we just becoming more and more violent as a society? Will a psychotropic drugs connection come out in the trial? The woman still lived at home at the age of 38 and spent most of her time on Facebook.

I don't know friends, here is the story if you want the details. What do you think, are we at a breaking point as a society?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They Think We're All Stupid

A LeRoy, New York hospital is getting attention after a dozen students and one adult have come down with a mystery illness. Symptoms include ticks and Tourette-like behavior. A Buffalo neurology professor claims that these people caught this illness through social media. 

Yes, you heard me right. They are all faking because it's common knowledge that people often pretend to catch illnesses they see online or 
on t.v.  Famed environmentalist Erin Brockovich, the same one from the movie, is working to see if a serious chemical spill near the school.  

Now, while there are cases of mass hysteria, it is completely condescending that officials aren't willing to consider that these people are suffering from something real. There dismissive explanation ignores the possibilities of a real problem!
The Huffington Post has this story. Check it out and see what you think.

The Drugging of America

Photo Credit: Carlos Porto
Ever wonder why America consumes the overwhelming majority of the supply of psychotropic drugs? Aren't people in other countries depressed? Don't people all over the world get worried and live with anxiety?

Well, we have something they don't have... a billion dollar pharmaceutical industry.

This is one documentary you'll want to check out. "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging."  You can watch it for free and decide for yourself!

Know somebody on these types of drugs? Share your experiences in our comment section.

Teen Murdered 9 Year Old - Was On Prozac

A teen was sentenced today for life with possibility of parole. Her crime was a very violent murder in which she stabbed, strangled and cutting a 9 year old. She went inside, wrote about how amazing it was in her diary and proceeded to go to church.  She was 15 when she committed this horrific crime.
She is now 18 and expresses remorse. Her attorney said that this lost teen had a history of depression, had tried to commit suicide in the past and was on the drug Prozac. Prozac is known to make people have suicidal thoughts and is linked to violence.

That's right, Prozac and drugs from it's pharmaceutical siblings, are linked to violent behavior. We will be talking more about this but here are some links so you can see for yourself. America needs to wake up, we are going down a very dark path and it will soon be too late to do anything about it!

Teen Murders 9 year old.
CNN Covers Prozac & Violence

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diagnostic Tests Might Be To Blame

We undergo many types of screenings in order to find potential problems with our health. What if those tests weren't just looking for problems but causing them as well? That is exactly what some experts are talking about, such as doctor Keith Heller, a surgeon that shocked his colleagues at a medical conference by claiming that, " I do not believe that this epidemic (of thyroid cancer) is real. It is due to ....the  increasing use of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of  thyroid nodules....We are performing far too many unnecessary thyroidectomies."

The problem is that thyroid nodules are considered fairly normal in most of the world, and in those places people don't rush into invasive medical procedures. Here if you have a nodule they perform an ultrasound guided need biopsy and this is the problem. This test, by the way, has a very poor track record of even being able to determine if a nodule is cancerous or benign.

This test, however, a very lucrative lead into thyroidectomy, which goes for 15 to 20 grand at a time. On top of that patients are roped into a lifetime of thyroid hormone replacement, which all adds up to big bucks, so why are we poking around and removing things considered normal all over the world on a test that can't even reliably detect cancer?


McDonald's Food Leads to Hospitalization

Photo Credit: Digital Art
A 17 year old British girl found this out the hard way after a life long diet of little other than McNuggets. Her diet from basically the age of 2 was daily McNuggets, fries and toast. She ended up collapsing and being hospitalized with trouble breathing and other complications.  She said she always ate the 20 piece McNugget meal and would share them with fries with her boyfriend.

A 20 piece serving of these highly processed foods have nearly a thousand calories and almost 60 grams of fat. On top of this they have plenty of un-tasty ingredients like dimethylpolysiloxan, an antifoaming agent. And, while people will just say this is an extreme case, and it is, it illuminates the lack of health in our fast food. What place does silicone, stabilizers and  preservatives have in our food supply?

Should McNuggest and similar items have to be labeled, ingredients fully disclosed? Would people turn them down if they saw ingredients like silicone and  dimethylpolysiloxan ?  What do you think?

Read original story here.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Restaurants Privacy Trumps Your Health

Credit: Digital Art 
Wouldn't you think that something like a salmonella outbreak would be made public knowledge? After all, salmonella is dangerous and even deadly. So, if a chain of restaurants were targeted for investigation due to an outbreak of salmonella you'd probably like to know, right?

Well, don't get your hopes up.  After a fast food chain was linked to an outbreak that put 20 people in the hospital food safety officials decided it wasn't necessary to tell the public which restaurant was having the problem. So as you pulled through the drive through the FDA knew that this chain had salmonella in their food supply, even if they didn't yet know the extent. 

 Feel safe? I didn't think so. Check out the ABC News story here.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Politician Wants to Tax Violent Video Games

Massive economic woes stretch across the globe, people are struggling to survive out there, political unrest and violence have become common fair on the nightly news. So, in light of this it seems ridiculous that any politician wants to focus on raising tax revenue through taxing violent video games.

Seriously, folks, at this point aren't we faced with such dire problems that this sort of maneuver should be laughed at and ridiculed? The answer is yes, we are, and you can be sure that in this election season you'll see more of this grandstanding and pandering. Here is the link to check it our for yourself.