Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More BPA in Our Food Supply

On the heels of our recent story regarding a clinical study that proved that BPA causes, at least, sexual dysfunction in men, a story this morning revealed more sources for BPA exposure. The latest culprit are canned goods, especially soups, green beans, juices and tuna. They tested name brand items and universally they found BPA.
And, just in case you thought buying organic canned goods was your better, bet, it seems like they aren't. Just because something was organic didn't mean it would be BPA free. Now, the FDA is looking into setting "safe" levels for this chemical, which is now the one of the highest volume chemical in use today.

So, how will they decide what is safe exposure to a dangerous chemical? I mean, a little fire will keep you warm in the winter, a whole lot of fire will burn you...but why do we need any exposure to BPA? The answer is we don't.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are Plastics Part of a Sterilization Program?

Sometimes items make it to the market and are presumed safe...that is until years later and countless people have been harmed and it finally comes out that the product was causing damage from day one. A lot of savvy people have been onto the problem with the chemical biphesnol A, called BPA (used in plastics) for a long time. Like most things, at first we're told we are crazy. It's only after a preponderance of evidence surfaces that we are proven right.

Kaiser Permanente's recently concluded a 5 year study of over 600 Chinese farm workers who had been very contaminated with BPA. They found that it causes male sexual dysfunction such as erectile and premature ejaculation issues. Frankly the study itself sounds unethical, but the conditions that lead to these men being exposed to this chemical were not mentioned.

Animal studies have proven much worse problems associated with this chemical, such as serious chronic health problems, the inability to think or behave normally, reproductive and cardiovascular system damage, diabetes, various forms of cancer, obesity and asthma.

Why are we still using this chemical in plastics? Maybe it's all part of the agenda, after all, we have the studies and we have the results, but still, we have the chemicals in everything we touch.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hunt for God Particle Continues

This story is like to a Dan Brown novel, but it is completely true and , I have to admit, intriguing. The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator located near Geneva, deep underground. It is searching for tiny particles called Haldrons and attempting to recreate the environment just after the Big Bang. Because of this, many people have called the invisible particles they are searching for God Particles.

Also, this entire idea has some controversy around it, as scientists aren't sure what will happen if they are successful. One possibility is that the accelerator could create a mini-blackhole. Nobody really know what would happen if that were to happen. Some think it would evaporate, others that it might be sustained and grow. Obviously you see the problem with that! There are some that feel that this device, if/when operated at full power, could very well trigger events that lead to out destruction.

So, it is a little odd that every time they power this sucker up, something happens. It was turned on (with no plains to boot it up to full speed) and within a few days it was shut down due to cooling problems. ( They got it back online then was shut back down for two more months due to problems.

Plagued by problems, for the past year they had been replacing magnets and finally replaced the last one. However, as soon as they got it up and running, something else odd happened. A bird flew over and dropped some bread, apparently into some critical area, and once more, the atom smasher is down.

I don't know how a bit of bread could shut down a 10 billion dollar machine, but there are some theories...including that a time traveler is trying to save us and the future by sabotaging our search for the God particle.

This is interesting stuff, read it for yourself.

H1N1 Death Tolls Have No Merit

Ever play basketball and not keep score? Ever do that then claim to have scored 100 when the truth is nobody really knows, because nobody was keeping track? That is pretty much what is happening around the world with reports of H1N1 death starting to add up.

Just today CNN ran a story where they claim that the H1N1 death toll is pushing 4000. And, while those deaths certainly are sad, in truth, it's not that large a number since the flu kills over 36,000 people every year in the United States.

The real story here is that articles continue to appear attributing deaths to H1N1 when in fact, the CDC does not require that any more cases of suspected H1N1 are confirmed in the laboratory! So, tell me how they know what killed these people? How many causes of regular flu or other issues are behind some of these deaths?

So, when you hear this sort of claim, take it with a grain of salt. The powers that be want you to be afraid of the flu and to line up for the vaccine.

Let's all disappoint them!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weaponized H1N1 Strain in the Ukraine?

Unless you've been under a rock, perhaps you haven't heard about the fast and furious outbreak of H1N1 in the Ukraine. There are many things that don't make sense about this outbreak;let's look at some of the problems.

The Ukraine had pretty much no flu activity until October, where it burst onto the scene with so many cases that they have pretty much shut down the country. Public schools are closed, public meetings are banned, and 1 in every 3 person wears a mask, often homemade because there is a shortage.
The news coming from the Ukraine is evolving, and it is hard to know what is correct. Some estimates of people infected by the flu range between 80,000 and 250,000 with around a 100 fatalities. Again, we don't have all the right information and cannot necessarily rely on news coming from official agencies in the area.

The Ukraine's Health Agency has not labeled the outbreak, a WHO team is investigating as well. Currently, there are more rumors than facts. Some suggest this is a virulent H1N1 strain, others believe this might due to trials the pharmaceutical company Baxter was doing in the area. We've seen suggestions that this outbreak resembles hemorrhagic fevers or Ebola.

So, everybody stay tuned to the Ukraine and question what you are being told by the media!

Monday, November 9, 2009

RFID Chips Are Enslavement Tools

Surely you've heard of RFID chips at this point, they aren't fringe anymore. At first they caused a stir as people (rightly) threw a fit about them being put in items at stores like Wal-Mart. They claimed that the purpose was to keep track of inventory. But, they really didn't have a good reason for using unique identifiers with those RFID chips. Unique identifiers is a fancy term for tracking numbers - and now you see the potential problems.

After a few years, people stopped talking, and thinking about these nefarious little things. All the while, mad scientists worked feverishly to make them smaller and smaller. Now we have versions of REFI that are like powder particles. Sure, there are some technical problems with these, but, don't worry, they are working out the kinks!

You see, the reason this worries many of us is that governments are becoming more and more intrusive. They watch, record and file facts, images, credit card information, medical information, your work history, your phone and internet records....everything they can, they gather. They want to keep track of us like cattle. Already they are using such chips for some Alzheimer patients. How long before they use it on you?

And, as small as they are getting, before long they'll be able to slip them into vaccines without you knowing. If you don't believe me, check out this information regarding Hitachi's advances in RFID technology.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To Win Back Our Republic

It is easy to feel a bit hopeless when you read about all the bad things going on. Actually, that is kind of the point, after all, if we all get hopeless we all feel powerless. So, instead of feeling powerless, why not feel empowered? Here are some steps that we can take to get things back in the right direction:

1. Expose conspirators - Use the internet, dvd's, newsletters, letters to the editor,
call into shows flyers, viewing get the picture.

2. Remove conspirators from power- Use legislation to do the following:
- Audit Federal Reserve and Nationalize the Monetary

- Break up media conglomerates.

- Reinvent the banking system and institute transparency

- Dismantle Corporations by instituting laws and limitations
such as laws that disallowed corporations from being in
more than one industry.

- Break up monopolies

- Reform lobbiest laws and laws regulating special interest
groups ability to donate.

3. Investigate at a high level - Look into the treasonous activity of politicians

- Seek out corporation, CEO's, politicians and others who
have sought to buy out and take over government, buy
legislation and control trade.

4. Prosecute, prosecute, and prosecute!