Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A New Study Links GMO to Leukemia

A recent study by Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic diseases found a link between GMO foods and cancer. This study was conducted in France and was not commissioned by any biotech company, making it the first long-term animal feeding study of its kind.This study, as incriminating as it is, has received very little attention.

They were looking specifically at the Bt (Bacillus Thurigensis spore-crystals) which are found in found in nearly all GM crops. While these have been used since the 1960's, it was only the use of biotechnology which resulted in these toxin-producing genes being  inserted into the plant's DNA itself. These came to be used in commercial farming and available in the United States Food Supplies in the 90's.

Up until this research there has been a common idea that Bt has selective toxicity to insects, meaning we were told this was harmless to humans and only hurt insects. This study blows this out of the water, proving that mammalian cells are indeed effected.  The study also proved that these toxins can impose adverse effects in acidic and alkaline environments, whereas it was previously thought that they required alkalinization (which is provided in insect physiology) to become activated and toxic.

However, we know now, thanks to this study, that these toxins target mammalian cells, more specifically red blood cells and create some significant negative changes, including anemia, suppression of bone marrow proliferation and creating abnormal lymphocyte patterns. These abnormal lymphocyte patterns are consistent with types of leukemia, proving a solid link between GM food and cancer.

The study found that these toxins accumulate in fatty tissues, have effects at lower than suspected doses, pass through to fetuses and cause bone marrow damage. In short, this study proves that the toxins that are genetically spliced into the GM crops, that we're told only hurt insects, cause terrible side effects in humans, including cancer.

We want to know how much of this Monsanto and our Federal government were aware of. We suspect they were well aware and that is why they have worked so hard to pass legislation to protect Monsanto.  We also want to know if it is possible to recover from the damaging effects of Monsanto crops. Is the damage to the bone marrow permanent? How is Monsanto going to answer for their crimes against humanity?

If you want to know why our government has done NOTHING to stop this, and in fact has worked to suppress it, you're not alone. However, Monsanto employees end up in Federal positions able to protect Monsanto from exposure. More on that soon. Until then, pass this information along to everybody that will hear it and get the word out. Monsanto and our government have covered up the truth for far too long and people have died - it's time to put a stop to Monsanto!

Read more about it here.

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