Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Militarization of the Police - A Dangerous Trend that Threatens us all

I know you've noticed it. In fact, I bet you have talked about it and even worry about it when you're driving around town.

Police have changed. 

Sure, in the past nobody looked forward to flashing lights in their rear view mirror, but these days people aren't just worried about the cost of a ticket.... they are afraid.

Just in case you have been out of the look for awhile, and think that it is absurd for law abiding citizens to be afraid of the police, let me make the case. By the end of this post you'll either be looking over your shoulder when you drive or you're just asleep at the wheel and I can't help you.

If you have more stories of brutality, feel free to email us and tell us your story!

Police Brutality - California, April 16, 2012

A father in California called 911 worried about his depressed son. Never did he say his son was threatening and when the sheriff arrived he found a calm house. The father was working on a car and the mom was cooking dinner. The depressed boy was watching television. The police office came into the home, told him to get up and that he was being arrested. When the boy asked the police officer to identity himself the cop tasered the boy with two electrodes into the chest.

The boy got up, confused and the scene of senseless violence ended with the depressed boy saying something to the effect of "just shoot me then." This cop indeed shot the confused boy who's father had called for help. Read more about this shocking police brutality here

Police Brutality - Miama, Florida

Two teens were rough-housing in the sand, both around 14 years old. A police officer told them to stop and one of them walked way. He did't make threats, he wasn't yelling or making notice, he simply walked away. He was holding a puppy that he was bottle feeding at the time.

An offended police officer tried to physically retain the teen, who the police officer then claimed gave him "dehumanizing stares" and appeared threatening. In response to this perceived look, the police officer forced the teen to the ground and put him in a choke hold.You can see a video of this out of control cop caught on a cell phone by following this link. 

Police Brutality -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Angelique Gerald-Porter was holding her toddler and watching police arrest people near her home. She was with a woman that was video taping the arrests. Neither she nor the lady video taping were being obstructive in any way.  An angry police officer named Nance told the women, who were standing on the stoop of their home, to step back. Keep in mind, they were on their own front porch.

The ladies complied but that wasn't good enough. The out of control officer told them to leave their home and walk to the end of the block. Mrs. Gerald-Porter told them she was in front of her home, to which the cop replied that it was their property right now.  This officer then wrestled the woman to the ground, tearing her clothing and hurting the child she was holding.

It is legal to tape a cop in Philadelphia as they are out in public doing their duties as long as they aren't in the way. Officer Nance has a history of being accused of police violence though no official actions have been taken.

Some more stories of brutality....

Police taser pregnant woman after fender bender in a parking lot

Use of excessive force and taser against woman

Brutal beating of suspect in Houston sickens police cheif

Omaha police brutality shocks community -  parking ticket was what police victim was accused of

8 cops beat man to death in Bakersfield, California

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