Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Monsanto Cover up - Why it's time to take this homicidal company down

Monsanto is not a good company. They have been around since the turn of the century and they have never done anything good in that entire time. In fact, they have gotten in trouble, people have gone to jail, they create subsidiaries and rename these new businesses to skirt the law and keep their doors open.

They are responsible for massive death, environmental contamination and yet they continue to do business and in fact, are part of the Federal Government itself. Check out this graphic by Geke.Us showing how Monsanto employees turn into government employees responsible for making laws that favor Monsanto and protecting them from harm.


Now, there has been much concern growing among the public over the safety of GMO foods. States have tried to create laws to have all GMO food labeled, and Lobbyists have stolen those votes to keep the will of the people suppressed.  You might recall Proposition 37 in California (2012) which had overwhelming support at all levels yet was somehow lost at the polls.

This week some potential labeling laws have passed in Connecticut to require GMO labeling, but those laws only take effect if their neighbor states pass similar laws. (Read about it here) Basically, there is little reason to call this a win since it will not take effect until others also pass similar laws. So as of today, we can be fed GMO at will and are told we don't have the right to know about it.

However, they continue to tell us it is safe, but some of their lies are being exposed. For instance, we've been told by our government that there is no such thing as GMO wheat. At the same we're expected to believe that the millions of people developing gluten allergies are just delicate and somehow cannot digest this staple grain that mankind has relied upon since our earliest days.

We now know that GMO wheat is growing in several states, which Monsanto claims it is mystified by and have nothing to do with! However, they have a history of suing farmers into bankruptcy when a Monsanto GMO seed unknowingly  blows into their field and poisons the farms natural crops. To think they are unaware of their seeds growing is naive.

So we know that Monsanto at the least, a horribly irresponsible company. In truth, we all know they are a company responsible for crimes against humanity aimed at controlling the DNA to food itself.  They have contaminated nearly every inch of soil with their chemicals and have lost control of their genetically modified monster seeds. They profit off the death and illness of humanity and have yet to own up to any of it.

When studies come out that show the dangerous effects of consuming GMO foods, few people ever see them. Russian studies showed massive tumor growth in GMO fed rats leading to the banning of GMO crops in their land. In fact, GMO foods are not allowed in many places over seas and farmers are burning GMO fields and trying to say no to Monsanto - which in turn tries to force itself onto any that say no to GMO crops.

A recent study by Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic diseases found a link between GMO foods and cancer. This study was conducted in France and was not commissioned by any biotech company, making it the first long-term animal feeding study of its kind. This study, as incriminating as it is, has received very little attention. They found a strong link between a toxin produced by GM foods, the same toxin that makes the crop resistant to insects and more, and massive damage to mammalian cells. Up until this time we've been told that humans are immune to this toxin and it only hurt insects.

Now, raise your hand if you know of somebody with gluten problems? How many of those people developed this later in their life? We are expected to believe that all of the sudden people cannot deal with a grain we've co-evolved with through the ages? The same goes for people with soy, corn, and a host of other allergies.

If you are tired of Monsanto writing policies for our food safety and being protected for it, you're not alone. Yet time and time again our voices are silenced by Monsanto's money and influence. We have recently seen the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, though thankfully that nasty piece of pro-GMO legislation is facing some opposition. (Read some about this here)

We all need to make noise about the consistent cover up of real science and GM crops. They are killing us all and destroying our food supply. Oppose Monsanto, write them letters, tell everybody you know and love how serious this issue is and if you know somebody that is ill, send them the study in the above link which proves that GM causes cancer and other illnesses.

Additionally, stop supporting any company that tries to keep GM labeling from becoming law. You can download the app Buycott to help you avoid giving your money to companies like Monsanto. And of course, you should try your hardest to buy organic and GM free whenever possible.Apps like the GMO-Free Shopping Guide can help.

Help spread the word by sending this link - we'll help inform anybody you send our way!

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