Monday, June 10, 2013

The "National Security" Guise & how they trick us into trading freedom for "security"

Be wary of faceless threats -
they are often a means to control you by fear!
This morning I was getting ready for the day and the radio alarm clock went off and it was tuned into an AM talk station. It was the Wall Street Journal radio show and some sad excuse for a journalist was talking about the "damage" the breaking of the PRISM spying story could do to our national security.

Here is the is a bad thing that PRISM came to the light of day because our government needed to operate like that, in secrecy, with no oversight or reason, in order to hunt terrorists, to protect us, to secure our Nation from those that wish to "do us harm."

After literally throwing my shoe at the radio, I decided to write about it instead. My hope is to get more people on the same page so it is harder (and soon impossible) for them to suppress and repress us.

This is what they do, first, they label everybody that thinks differently as a "terrorist."  Next, they claim to need 100% access to everything we see, think or feel in order to "protect us."  Now, we don't see these threats because that is secret, and it is secret for our national security. So, basically they want to operate in the shadows, do what they will, while forcing us to live in glass houses with ever action we take under surveillance of one kind or another.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree. The "national security" is used to cover just about anything the goverment does even if it is illegal and/or immoral.

    It is sickening to constantly see our constitutional rights be eroded.
