Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What if the Internet Goes Away?

If you're an informed adult you do not get your news from the television. The television is for sheep, it tells you what to think, what to care about and distracts you with celebrity stories.
Those of you out there reading this do not use the "boob tube" for news because you know it's a source of mind control, not information.

So you head online and look for real news, wade through the junk, conjecture and full-on made up "inside" information and try to see what's really happening in the world. At the end of the day you know a bit more and have a better picture of what's happening around you.

But, what if the internet went away?

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that it's impossible and will never happen. I used to think that as well, but every day I look around and see plenty of things happening that I never though possible. It's time to rethink what we think the powers that be are capable of, including regulating the internet to such a degree that only companies with big budgets have any online real estate to speak of.

We know that the U.S. Government has an internet kill switch, allowing them to shut it all down in case of what they deem as an "emergency." (Read about the government's ability to kill the net and mobile networks here) We also know that they have worked to pass legislation, all in the name of protection and freedom, to create a tiered internet system, a pay-to-play kind of situation.

That means the information superhighway will become a one-way street, straight from corporations and the government onto your computer. Do you like the way things are going? What will you do when, not if, this happens?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately because I no longer think in terms of "if" but "when." I think we're so far past the point of no return on many things that we have to be in a "now" state of mind. So, what can any of us do when this happens?

Barring having the money and ability to start a new internet system (which my partner had the idea for about a decade ago), our options are limited. You can start a flier, circular or newsletter and work to put it in people's hands. You can try to move your cyber networking into the real world and create some networks of wide awake people that understand the world we're living in.

What ideas to you have? I'm really interested in hearing from you - it's time for all hands to be on deck!

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