Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thank you Edward Snowden - It's now up to us to change things

Thank you Edward Snowden -
the ball's now in our court.
Edward Snowden is not a terrorist, he is a patriot and should be rewarded, not defamed by the US government. If you listen to the government, however, they will rant and rave that he's a traitor, a terrorist, a hacker and any other word they can dream up to try and skew the public's opinion. Let's look at the reality behind Snowden's actions and see if we can't persuade people to support, not crucify, Edward Snowden.

The government participated in a huge power grab in the form of the Patriot Act. They used events to frighten people into trading any measure of security. They government has used loopholes, such as using contractors to do things they aren't supposed to be doing,  in order to further overstep their power. And up to today their actions have been in the shadows and likely would have remained so if not for Edward Snowden.

Currently, and for many years at this point, our government is out of control. They treat us like stupid children at best and like cattle at worst. They've been tracking our phone and internet activity like scammers seeking to steal your identity and take your life savings, only they have the ability to snatch you off the street, put you in a cell without any due process or kill you with a drone.

Let's put this in perspective. You have no privacy at all, no freedom of speech because of the fear of reprisal, no reasonable expectation of privacy, no right to security in your home, office, documents or effects..... and on top o it all they are trying to take your Second Amendment rights as well.
Operation Prism will go down in history books
as a program of tyranny & oppression

We are all the targets of the governments prying and if you think "it's okay, I don't have anything to hide," you should think again. That book you bought about home science projects, that website you clicked on to learn about fertilizer because your tomatoes keep dying, that innocent purchase at Home Depot and that post you "liked" on Facebook about supporting the Second Amendment....add it up and to the tyrannical government spy agent, you're a terrorist waiting to strike.

Let's be clear, Snowden did NOT cause any harm to National Security. If you think  for a moment that true terrorist and enemies abroad don't know they are being hunted, that all communication networks are being monitored, and that their online activity is being tracked and recorded, then you should get your head out of the sand. This isn't news to them.

What it is for America is a wake up call. We are not in control of the government, they have us under their thumb and have no respect for our rights and  the Constitution. Thank you Edward Snowden, sincerely, thank you. You did your part, it's up to the rest of us to take that information and do something with it - are you ready for some true change in America?

Monday, June 10, 2013

The "National Security" Guise & how they trick us into trading freedom for "security"

Be wary of faceless threats -
they are often a means to control you by fear!
This morning I was getting ready for the day and the radio alarm clock went off and it was tuned into an AM talk station. It was the Wall Street Journal radio show and some sad excuse for a journalist was talking about the "damage" the breaking of the PRISM spying story could do to our national security.

Here is the summary...it is a bad thing that PRISM came to the light of day because our government needed to operate like that, in secrecy, with no oversight or reason, in order to hunt terrorists, to protect us, to secure our Nation from those that wish to "do us harm."

After literally throwing my shoe at the radio, I decided to write about it instead. My hope is to get more people on the same page so it is harder (and soon impossible) for them to suppress and repress us.

This is what they do, first, they label everybody that thinks differently as a "terrorist."  Next, they claim to need 100% access to everything we see, think or feel in order to "protect us."  Now, we don't see these threats because that is secret, and it is secret for our national security. So, basically they want to operate in the shadows, do what they will, while forcing us to live in glass houses with ever action we take under surveillance of one kind or another.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

U.S. Law Allows the Government to Test on us All

My own image of chem-trails
People have been looking to the skies and growing concerned with the unusual contrails that zig zag across the horizon leaving long lasting, unusual and unnatural trails.

To the informed, these are called chem-trails, because they are not simple condensation, like your run-of-the-mill contrail left by high-flying aircraft.

These are trails coming from the wings of generally unmarked planes at various altitudes from low to as high as commercial air traffic.

These chem-trails are sprayed across the sky and linger for hours on end, often dispersing and creating cloud cover on an otherwise cloud free day.

If you've been following this story for as long as we have, you'll have plenty of stories of chem-trails making people sick. I was listening to an old Art Bell show 15 years ago when a caller from Alaska called and said planes were spraying above them for a week or so. That they had created a checkerboard pattern in the sky and that now his wife and neighbors were sick.

If you said something about this a decade ago people would call you crazy. These days more and more people are growing concerned or at least curious!

What are these chem-trails & why are they there? Is the government spraying us?

We don't know exactly what they are, although many people have working theories and are trying to get to the bottom of it. We'll talk more about that later, what I want to talk about now is the law that allows our government to experiment on us at will.

For people that don't believe that the government would do anything to harm us, or use us as an extra-large petri dish so they can test any number of things, think again. Our government has provided itself a large loophole, legally speaking, allowing them to test on us.

Here is the actual language from Public Law 105-85, as shown on Cornell's Law website:

a) Prohibited activities
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)—
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.
(b) Exceptions

Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.

(c) Informed consent required
The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.

What this says is that anything the government declares to be for a peaceful purpose, related to research or is related to some program to see what protects people from certain things like chemicals and bio-agents can be tested on us. This slippery slope means that they can do whatever they wish in terms of experimenting on us because everything is "research related" or for "law enforcement" or for national defense.

Now, while there is a single sentence there on needing informed consent, it's a ruse. The fact that this is part of Public Law means anybody that wants to see it, can see it. You're access to it means you've been informed. It's like the 20 page phone contract that you never get through or the small print that says the really important stuff.

They are telling us they have the right to use us anyway they see fit. If you think they don't use this legal caveat, you're just willfully ignorant. If they didn't intend to use it, it wouldn't be there. And, I'd like to point out, that the government has been caught testing on us many times through the years.

In fact, I'd like to point out that the government finally admitted to putting aerosol sprayers in poor parts of St.Louis in the 50's and 60's and spraying cadmium all over unknowing people. People got sick, died of cancer and the government has not been accountable for any of it.  Currently, we have evidence cadmium, aluminum and even pathogens in chem-trails.

Coincidence? We don't think so and I bet you don't either.

Read this law on Cornell's own website here.
Read our piece showing released documents from the St. Louis aerosol experiments here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Monsanto Cover up - Why it's time to take this homicidal company down

Monsanto is not a good company. They have been around since the turn of the century and they have never done anything good in that entire time. In fact, they have gotten in trouble, people have gone to jail, they create subsidiaries and rename these new businesses to skirt the law and keep their doors open.

They are responsible for massive death, environmental contamination and yet they continue to do business and in fact, are part of the Federal Government itself. Check out this graphic by Geke.Us showing how Monsanto employees turn into government employees responsible for making laws that favor Monsanto and protecting them from harm.

Credit: Geke.us

Now, there has been much concern growing among the public over the safety of GMO foods. States have tried to create laws to have all GMO food labeled, and Lobbyists have stolen those votes to keep the will of the people suppressed.  You might recall Proposition 37 in California (2012) which had overwhelming support at all levels yet was somehow lost at the polls.

This week some potential labeling laws have passed in Connecticut to require GMO labeling, but those laws only take effect if their neighbor states pass similar laws. (Read about it here) Basically, there is little reason to call this a win since it will not take effect until others also pass similar laws. So as of today, we can be fed GMO at will and are told we don't have the right to know about it.

However, they continue to tell us it is safe, but some of their lies are being exposed. For instance, we've been told by our government that there is no such thing as GMO wheat. At the same we're expected to believe that the millions of people developing gluten allergies are just delicate and somehow cannot digest this staple grain that mankind has relied upon since our earliest days.

We now know that GMO wheat is growing in several states, which Monsanto claims it is mystified by and have nothing to do with! However, they have a history of suing farmers into bankruptcy when a Monsanto GMO seed unknowingly  blows into their field and poisons the farms natural crops. To think they are unaware of their seeds growing is naive.

So we know that Monsanto at the least, a horribly irresponsible company. In truth, we all know they are a company responsible for crimes against humanity aimed at controlling the DNA to food itself.  They have contaminated nearly every inch of soil with their chemicals and have lost control of their genetically modified monster seeds. They profit off the death and illness of humanity and have yet to own up to any of it.

When studies come out that show the dangerous effects of consuming GMO foods, few people ever see them. Russian studies showed massive tumor growth in GMO fed rats leading to the banning of GMO crops in their land. In fact, GMO foods are not allowed in many places over seas and farmers are burning GMO fields and trying to say no to Monsanto - which in turn tries to force itself onto any that say no to GMO crops.

A recent study by Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic diseases found a link between GMO foods and cancer. This study was conducted in France and was not commissioned by any biotech company, making it the first long-term animal feeding study of its kind. This study, as incriminating as it is, has received very little attention. They found a strong link between a toxin produced by GM foods, the same toxin that makes the crop resistant to insects and more, and massive damage to mammalian cells. Up until this time we've been told that humans are immune to this toxin and it only hurt insects.

Now, raise your hand if you know of somebody with gluten problems? How many of those people developed this later in their life? We are expected to believe that all of the sudden people cannot deal with a grain we've co-evolved with through the ages? The same goes for people with soy, corn, and a host of other allergies.

If you are tired of Monsanto writing policies for our food safety and being protected for it, you're not alone. Yet time and time again our voices are silenced by Monsanto's money and influence. We have recently seen the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, though thankfully that nasty piece of pro-GMO legislation is facing some opposition. (Read some about this here)

We all need to make noise about the consistent cover up of real science and GM crops. They are killing us all and destroying our food supply. Oppose Monsanto, write them letters, tell everybody you know and love how serious this issue is and if you know somebody that is ill, send them the study in the above link which proves that GM causes cancer and other illnesses.

Additionally, stop supporting any company that tries to keep GM labeling from becoming law. You can download the app Buycott to help you avoid giving your money to companies like Monsanto. And of course, you should try your hardest to buy organic and GM free whenever possible.Apps like the GMO-Free Shopping Guide can help.

Help spread the word by sending this link - we'll help inform anybody you send our way!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A New Study Links GMO to Leukemia

A recent study by Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic diseases found a link between GMO foods and cancer. This study was conducted in France and was not commissioned by any biotech company, making it the first long-term animal feeding study of its kind.This study, as incriminating as it is, has received very little attention.

They were looking specifically at the Bt (Bacillus Thurigensis spore-crystals) which are found in found in nearly all GM crops. While these have been used since the 1960's, it was only the use of biotechnology which resulted in these toxin-producing genes being  inserted into the plant's DNA itself. These came to be used in commercial farming and available in the United States Food Supplies in the 90's.

Up until this research there has been a common idea that Bt has selective toxicity to insects, meaning we were told this was harmless to humans and only hurt insects. This study blows this out of the water, proving that mammalian cells are indeed effected.  The study also proved that these toxins can impose adverse effects in acidic and alkaline environments, whereas it was previously thought that they required alkalinization (which is provided in insect physiology) to become activated and toxic.

However, we know now, thanks to this study, that these toxins target mammalian cells, more specifically red blood cells and create some significant negative changes, including anemia, suppression of bone marrow proliferation and creating abnormal lymphocyte patterns. These abnormal lymphocyte patterns are consistent with types of leukemia, proving a solid link between GM food and cancer.

The study found that these toxins accumulate in fatty tissues, have effects at lower than suspected doses, pass through to fetuses and cause bone marrow damage. In short, this study proves that the toxins that are genetically spliced into the GM crops, that we're told only hurt insects, cause terrible side effects in humans, including cancer.

We want to know how much of this Monsanto and our Federal government were aware of. We suspect they were well aware and that is why they have worked so hard to pass legislation to protect Monsanto.  We also want to know if it is possible to recover from the damaging effects of Monsanto crops. Is the damage to the bone marrow permanent? How is Monsanto going to answer for their crimes against humanity?

If you want to know why our government has done NOTHING to stop this, and in fact has worked to suppress it, you're not alone. However, Monsanto employees end up in Federal positions able to protect Monsanto from exposure. More on that soon. Until then, pass this information along to everybody that will hear it and get the word out. Monsanto and our government have covered up the truth for far too long and people have died - it's time to put a stop to Monsanto!

Read more about it here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Militarization of the Police - A Dangerous Trend that Threatens us all

I know you've noticed it. In fact, I bet you have talked about it and even worry about it when you're driving around town.

Police have changed. 

Sure, in the past nobody looked forward to flashing lights in their rear view mirror, but these days people aren't just worried about the cost of a ticket.... they are afraid.

Just in case you have been out of the look for awhile, and think that it is absurd for law abiding citizens to be afraid of the police, let me make the case. By the end of this post you'll either be looking over your shoulder when you drive or you're just asleep at the wheel and I can't help you.

If you have more stories of brutality, feel free to email us and tell us your story!

Police Brutality - California, April 16, 2012

A father in California called 911 worried about his depressed son. Never did he say his son was threatening and when the sheriff arrived he found a calm house. The father was working on a car and the mom was cooking dinner. The depressed boy was watching television. The police office came into the home, told him to get up and that he was being arrested. When the boy asked the police officer to identity himself the cop tasered the boy with two electrodes into the chest.

The boy got up, confused and the scene of senseless violence ended with the depressed boy saying something to the effect of "just shoot me then." This cop indeed shot the confused boy who's father had called for help. Read more about this shocking police brutality here

Police Brutality - Miama, Florida

Two teens were rough-housing in the sand, both around 14 years old. A police officer told them to stop and one of them walked way. He did't make threats, he wasn't yelling or making notice, he simply walked away. He was holding a puppy that he was bottle feeding at the time.

An offended police officer tried to physically retain the teen, who the police officer then claimed gave him "dehumanizing stares" and appeared threatening. In response to this perceived look, the police officer forced the teen to the ground and put him in a choke hold.You can see a video of this out of control cop caught on a cell phone by following this link. 

Police Brutality -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Angelique Gerald-Porter was holding her toddler and watching police arrest people near her home. She was with a woman that was video taping the arrests. Neither she nor the lady video taping were being obstructive in any way.  An angry police officer named Nance told the women, who were standing on the stoop of their home, to step back. Keep in mind, they were on their own front porch.

The ladies complied but that wasn't good enough. The out of control officer told them to leave their home and walk to the end of the block. Mrs. Gerald-Porter told them she was in front of her home, to which the cop replied that it was their property right now.  This officer then wrestled the woman to the ground, tearing her clothing and hurting the child she was holding.

It is legal to tape a cop in Philadelphia as they are out in public doing their duties as long as they aren't in the way. Officer Nance has a history of being accused of police violence though no official actions have been taken.

Some more stories of brutality....

Police taser pregnant woman after fender bender in a parking lot

Use of excessive force and taser against woman

Brutal beating of suspect in Houston sickens police cheif

Omaha police brutality shocks community -  parking ticket was what police victim was accused of

8 cops beat man to death in Bakersfield, California

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Government tested on the poor in St. Louis & abroad

From the government's own documents - school selected for poisoning.
Notice the  word "secret" blacked out in this FOIA released document.
There are always people unwilling to believe that their own government would ever do them wrong. I understand how hard it is to accept that the government you elect, including people from your own district that you may know and support, are involved in causing you harm.

However, history is clear on this, governments do, will and are using the public for whatever purpose they wish. This includes medical testing on an unknowing and unwilling public.

Let's talk about what happened in the 50's and 60's in St.Louis, Missouri. More specifically, what happened in some poor areas of this city and apparently, other cities across the nation.

This information was not handed to the public in some act of contrition by a saddened and apologetic government. It was wrenched from them through painstaking efforts, an onslaught of Freedom of Information Act requests and much hard work by Lisa Martino-Taylor.

Mrs. Martino-Taylor was working on a thesis after a neighbor visited her and told her that she had survived a brain tumor and had always believed it was caused by something sprayed in her neighborhood as a child. She grew up in a poor area of St. Louis and soon this researcher was digging for real information on what exactly happened in St.Louis and why.This story, along with a similar story from a colleague,opened the book on this shameful U.S. Military secret.

The government used motorized blowers on top of buildings, including high-rises and schools. They also drove around with these blowers on station wagons. The low income, predominately black areas of St. Louis were the targets, and areas were allegedly selected to have similarities to Soviet cities.

The substance being sprayed on unwilling people was radioactive zinc cadmium sulfide in the form of a fine fluorescent powder. You can read the tales of people's families succumbing to cancer at alarming rates, not to mention the ones that survived thanks to radical medical intervention. What you have here is the government intentionally and secretively experimenting on the poor, plain and simple.
From FOIA released documents -workers setting up roof top sprayers.

This is just one instance that came to the light of day, how many more such experiments are out there waiting to be exposed? How many people have been hurt or killed due to secret testing by the US. government?

 If you were a believer in a benevolent government up to today, I hope you rethink your stance. If you're on the fence, I hope you're now fully awake and understand that our government is fully willing to use us in any way they see fit, without our knowledge or consent.

Do you think you're ill due to the actions of the government? Tell us about it - we're interested in compiling stories and drawing some conclusions.

Read the story as released in the mainstream news here and read the original research paper here.