Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why You Should Believe H1N1 Vaccine is a BioWeapon

I know that it is hard to believe, let alone convince your family and friends, that the H1N1 vaccine is minimally dangerous to your health, and most likely, a bioweapon. After all, most of us went to public schools and grew up to trust officials and others in a position of power. It is hard to accept that the government, full of people we campaign and vote for, might be against us or view us as livestock to be managed.

In reality, however, all governments have a history of abusing the populace in all sorts of ways. You could go back to the founders of this country intentionally giving small pox to natives. Or, what about Rev. Sheepshanks and Robert Brown, both missionaries, giving the Salish Natives a live smallpox virus, to wipe them out within a month. That happened just prior to 'settlement' of the area, in other words, they were just preparing the area for themselves.

The Tuskegee incident comes to mind, when our government allowed 399 black men to languish with Syphilis just to see what happens. In 1976 thousands were made ill by an inoculation against Swine Flu, when the government claimed a pandemic was coming. Only one person died of the Swine Flu, while thousands were permanently injured through the government's vaccine.

And, there are so many other documented cases of this kind of betrayal, it is really undeniable that our and other governments are capable of such actions against the people.

So, don't rule out the potential for the government to use us all for experiments, to try and control us and yes, even to thin us out when they deem necessary. If you need more evidence, write us and we'll send you more than you'll want to know about this topic.

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