Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ever Heard of Rex 84?

Rex 84 is short for Readiness Exercise 1984 and was begun with 34 federal and civil departments and NATO nations. Originally they conducted "civil readiness" exercises, including Night Train 84, a worldwide military command post exercise program. In reality, REX 84 was the beginning of the Fema camps, and it should show you just how long these plans have been in the works.

Part of the initial cover story was that this program and the many camp-like facilities that it spawned, was that it was to help detain a potential massive influx of illegal immigrants. Now, the numbers of these camps aren't well known, but reports have them at between 600-800. Most reports and rumors, which all likely have minimally a kernel of truth, state that all are staffed but empty. All are also near railways, which might be a method for locating these facilities for the adventurous at heart.

While we don't have exact information on the numbers and locations of all the camps, there is a lot of information out there if you look for it. And, for those of you that feel that nothing like this can or will happen, we have a few things to remind you of a few things.

The Tuskegee incident was a secret medical program to allow nearly 400 black males suffer and die with syphilis, just to see what happens through the course of the disease. Our government admits to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where it falsely reported violence from North Vietnamese ships in the Gulf in order to push us into the Vietnam war. There are other such lies from governments to it's citizens, in our country and abroad.

Don't be a skeptic all the way to the FEMA camp.

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