Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Real Terrorists or Possible False Flag?

It will take more than a non-demic flu like the swine flu debacle to make Americans stand in line for the vaccine, cooperate with martial law, or agree en mass to RFID chips or any other insane thing the New World Order types want to impose. So knowing that, perhaps we all should question the recent "terrorist" news, such as the recent arrest in Colorado and New York.
The claim is that the legal permanent resident of the United States, who was originally from Afghanistan, were involved with Al Qeada and they were also charged with making false statements. The Justice Department claims that they were cooking up a potential plot involving hydrogen peroxide-based explosives.
As dramatic as this story seems, we wonder if it might have be a 'false-flag' type situation. Americans have become less worried about terrorism with the sting of 9/11 far enough behind us. We've become tired of the wars over seas and the swine flu scare doesn't have enough steam to get millions of Americans standing in the vaccine line.

Read the stories and keep an eye on the news. Maybe we can call them out on this one before it happens.

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