Thursday, November 12, 2009

H1N1 Death Tolls Have No Merit

Ever play basketball and not keep score? Ever do that then claim to have scored 100 when the truth is nobody really knows, because nobody was keeping track? That is pretty much what is happening around the world with reports of H1N1 death starting to add up.

Just today CNN ran a story where they claim that the H1N1 death toll is pushing 4000. And, while those deaths certainly are sad, in truth, it's not that large a number since the flu kills over 36,000 people every year in the United States.

The real story here is that articles continue to appear attributing deaths to H1N1 when in fact, the CDC does not require that any more cases of suspected H1N1 are confirmed in the laboratory! So, tell me how they know what killed these people? How many causes of regular flu or other issues are behind some of these deaths?

So, when you hear this sort of claim, take it with a grain of salt. The powers that be want you to be afraid of the flu and to line up for the vaccine.

Let's all disappoint them!

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