Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To Win Back Our Republic

It is easy to feel a bit hopeless when you read about all the bad things going on. Actually, that is kind of the point, after all, if we all get hopeless we all feel powerless. So, instead of feeling powerless, why not feel empowered? Here are some steps that we can take to get things back in the right direction:

1. Expose conspirators - Use the internet, dvd's, newsletters, letters to the editor,
call into shows flyers, viewing get the picture.

2. Remove conspirators from power- Use legislation to do the following:
- Audit Federal Reserve and Nationalize the Monetary

- Break up media conglomerates.

- Reinvent the banking system and institute transparency

- Dismantle Corporations by instituting laws and limitations
such as laws that disallowed corporations from being in
more than one industry.

- Break up monopolies

- Reform lobbiest laws and laws regulating special interest
groups ability to donate.

3. Investigate at a high level - Look into the treasonous activity of politicians

- Seek out corporation, CEO's, politicians and others who
have sought to buy out and take over government, buy
legislation and control trade.

4. Prosecute, prosecute, and prosecute!

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