Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More BPA in Our Food Supply

On the heels of our recent story regarding a clinical study that proved that BPA causes, at least, sexual dysfunction in men, a story this morning revealed more sources for BPA exposure. The latest culprit are canned goods, especially soups, green beans, juices and tuna. They tested name brand items and universally they found BPA.
And, just in case you thought buying organic canned goods was your better, bet, it seems like they aren't. Just because something was organic didn't mean it would be BPA free. Now, the FDA is looking into setting "safe" levels for this chemical, which is now the one of the highest volume chemical in use today.

So, how will they decide what is safe exposure to a dangerous chemical? I mean, a little fire will keep you warm in the winter, a whole lot of fire will burn you...but why do we need any exposure to BPA? The answer is we don't.

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