Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feds Raid Amish Farms at Gun Point

I think when I was in school this sort of story was told about places like China and Russia. Those evil communist nations took away the rights of citizens and managed them like children. Fast forward to today where you hear about our very own Federal Government raiding Amish farms, often at gun point, for the supreme crime of.....wait for it..... selling raw milk.

Yes, I wish it weren't true but in the United States of America the government is wasting your money to set up fake raw milk buys to prove allegations and to raid the homes of Amish families.

Seriously? If this doesn't anger you then you might be dead inside.  Think about armed Feds turning up at your home at 5 in the morning for a forced inspection, being told you'll have to pay for your own prosecution and having your livelihood taken away.

There will still be mindless people defending this sort of thing, saying, well, unpasteurized milk is dangerous. Now, there are also plenty of other dangerous things in our world; gravity, travel by car or airplane, knives, fireplaces, sports.... Should be prosecute people for these things for their own good? Exactly, and this is where the entire nation is going and it might be unstoppable at this point. What do you think friends?

Here is one article covering this story in full.

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