Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Celebrities and Advertising Will Get you to Support Vaccines...unless you're careful.

Don't like the idea of people forcibly shoving needles of unknown chemicals, all of which you're not even allowed to see and keep the packaging, into you and your children's body? That' is how you feel today, but how will you feel tomorrow, or next week? Next month?

Sadly, the propaganda push to mock, ridicule and debase people who want to have a say over their own bodies and their own children is in full force. This advertising, fake news reports and celebrity diatribes all work together to try and change what you think and feel.The sad thing is that if you are not aware of what is happening, they just might be able to do it.

It happens subtly and consistantly until you "suddenly" agree with Celebrity A or "News Anchor B" that people should become vacinnatied, no matter if they want it or not. The exact same marketing principles (Reach, frequency, delivery method)that get you to switch from detergent X from your current brand also get you to change your mind, even on critical topics like vaccination.

Will people really start to embrace poison vaccinations, even force their neighbors to submit, because people like Beyonce, Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez say so? Sadly, the answer is most likely "yes."

Let's look at some of this happening right now and ask yourself, are you being slowly brainwashed to accept and eventually embrace vaccines?

Here is Jimmy Kimmel mocking the anti-vaccine movement & those hurt by vaccines.

Here is Kristen Bell saying you can't be around her kids if you're not vaccinated.

Kim Kardashian gets re-vaccinated on air, of course, and joins the ranks of pro-vaccine celebrities.

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