Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Don't worry that Ebola is gone - it's replaced by the measles!

It wasn't very long ago when Ebola was on the news 24/7. Concerned news anchors were endlessly commenting on the dangers to us all as we watched live news vans outside of the apartment of a nurse, or doctor, or girlfriend of a victim lived.

People were put on alert about traveling and maps were shown with scary red blocks and lines to indicate where threats where. We were forced to listen to experts on Ebola proclaim how easy it would be for a sick person to get on a plane and be anywhere in the globe in hours.

The first "case of Ebola" in America was a news frenzy and you could not turn on the radio, television or hit the gym without hearing people talk about the horrible danger lurking in our midst. We were even told that the medical community was hard at work and that an Ebola vaccine was just months away.

Then it all went away. No more news reports, 24/7 news vans staking out homes or expert interviews explaining the danger to the poor, uninformed masses.

Where'd the Ebola go?

So from horrible, game-changing threat to silence, our media has now moved on to another dangerous disease, measles. You hear mindless celebrities warning about the importance of vaccinations and news reports repeatedly blame those without vaccines for the new cases of this once-eliminated threat.  You have countless experts touting their take on the potential threat of measles and warning of an outbreak in our future unless we are aggressive now.

So is measles really a threat? Was Ebola ever a threat? What we have now is what we always get from the media... propaganda. This is aimed at scaring people into supporting forced vaccinations and pitting Americans against each other. It is also aimed at pitting us against poor immigrants who were recently let into the country, since many of them are not vaccinated.

Your first hint is the fact that if vaccines worked, it wouldn't matter if I was or was not vaccinated. If vaccines worked, and you were vaccinated, you'd be fine, right? The truth is that it is all a game of smoke and mirrors and if people slow down and look, they'd be able to see this for themselves.

Could Ebola really have been this terrible, world-altering threat one day and gone the next? No, of course not, but that is what main stream media thinks you'll believe. They are fishing for ways to scare you, testing the waters of manipulation to see what resonates with the people.

Recognize the hallmarks of propaganda and you'll become immune to it. Here are a few of the most used tactics used against you today:
  • Repetition of words and phrases, including using repetitive synonyms
  • Fear based verbiage
  • Blaming a particular segment of society 
  • Graphics aimed at emotion & inducing reactions
  • Inundation with information, news and opinions without allowing the time for processing (think about how busy news stations are, with people talking, scrolling bars on the top and bottom, pop ups etc..)
Watch a couple news shows tonight and let me know if you can see some of these tactics at work. Share your experience with us and then tell your friends and neighbors. You can help shake a couple people awake and make a difference! In the mean time, don't worry about Ebola or measles...something just as scary will soon find its way to the evening "news."

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