Monday, March 2, 2015

You're being brainwashed to support drones

Marketing is a bad thing. On one hand you have a local bakery just trying to get customers, which is harmless. On the other, you have huge corporations using it to basically brainwash the public into accepting A, endorseing B and embracing C...whatever A,B and C may be.

It is dangerous because even your staunchest objections can, over time, be eaten away by clever, persistent and relentless marketing. Take, for instance, the use of drones.

We all know that drones are used in bad ways to rob us of our freedom and will play a large role in the surveillance state. However, people still are wary of them. The mention of drones still conjures sci-fi movie like images for most people.

Now let's look at how our perception of drones is being altered. You can't argue that saving the rain forest is a worthy cause. You cannot argue that it is a good thing to destroy this natural resource for animals and local tribes. By combining things we distrust (drones) and things we support (saving the rain forest), the powers that be confuse our emotions on a subconscious level. They create feelings of conflict where we were once secure in our beliefs. The next step will be to reduce the conflicted feelings and before you know it, we have come to embrace that which we distrust.

Read about the use of drones to "monitor" the rain forest (Story here) and here.

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