Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to Basics - Have a Plan 3

1. Code Words- Many kids have code words, that only themselves and their parents know. If something were to happen and the parent couldn't pick up the child, they could send a trusted adult with the secret code word so that the child would know it was safe to go with the adult. All families should have a code word so that if something where to happen and you couldn't get to your children, but had to send somebody in your place, your children would know everything is okay. Pick a word that is completely unguessable, not related to your birthdays, street you live on, family pet's names, or anything else that could be part of public information. Once you have picked a word, you and your child keep it a secret from everybody and remind each other of it every so often.

2. Safe Place- Many families have a safe place to meet in case of a house fire. The idea of this tip is to expand that idea and have a safe meeting place in your town, so that in case of emergency your family can have a mutual destination. If you have children, you decide who will be responsible for picking up the chidlren and taking them to the safe place. Choose wisely, and consider all sorts of emergency situations before you decide upon a safe place. Make sure everybody understands where to meet, help everybody figure out how to get there and remind each other so that nobody forgets.

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