Monday, August 24, 2009

Virologists are Puzzled Over the H1N1

A recent article by Dr. Russell Blaylock gives light to the basically ignored angle of the Swine Flu, where did it even come from? A basic lack of understanding of how viruses work is partially to blame, but so is a media blackout on the possibility of an engineered virus.

Dr. Blaylock wrote :
"This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,“Where the hell it got all these genes from we don’t know.” Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus"

Top scientists, not your local doctor who isn't a scientist, are puzzled over how this virology oddity even exists. It breaks the laws that other viruses follow, so we hope you read this article and ask yourself, just what is the Swine Flu and exactly where did it come from? Why do so many governments want us all to get an untested vaccine for a pandemic that doesn't exist?

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