Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bernake Gets Second Term in Federal Reserve

It isn't really a surprise that Bernake is going to have a second term running the Federal Reserve. What is surprising is the fact that Americans, for the most part, don't have a clue about how the Reserve works, what their function is and why we don't need them in the first place.
Unfortunately, if you were to ask most of your friends and neighbors about the Federal Reserve, they'd likely know little more than they set the rate for loans...Well, the Reserve isn't run by the government and what they do amounts to thievery.
There are great resources for learning about this hideous private company that controls our money. The book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island," by Griffin is a good place to start.
A little research will yield a lot of result and I bet you'll be asking yourself why we have a privately owned company at the heart of our economic structure.

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