Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is Executive Order 13295 Something to Worry About?

The Center for Disease Control has the ability to quarantine people suspected of having communicable diseases. They have a list of diseases that qualify and to add to that list, they need an executive order. The last time any disease was added was in 2003 when SARS was a concern worldwide.
The CDC hasn't involuntarily quarantined anybody since 1963, which was due to small pox. It does screen people from hot spots to see if they have fevers or other signs of illnesses. Most countries do this, with the idea of keeping dangerous illnesses away from the populace.

Now, with the swine flu war of propaganda we have going on, some fear that the government will use this ability to herd the American people up, all under the guise of disease control. Read the original order and see what you think. If you are worried that such a misuse of the order could occur, let your representatives, local news outlets, radio show and friends and family know so they can become informed.

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