Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swine Flu Scare Tactics

We've all heard the saying "You are what you eat." Perhaps a new maxim to add to our collective vocabulary is "You are what you see," because the more a message is repeated to us, the more we come to accept it as reality. It used to be called propaganda, but that word gets over used and has lost its sting.

Now, we are all seeing a constant string of swine flu stories, and none of them good. First we were told that the swine flu is going to be an epidemic. Next, we are told not just that it is an epidemic, but that it is now a global pandemic. We are told that many people are going to die this fall because the swine flu. Then we are warned that everybody needs the new (untested) swine flu vaccine.

Slow down for a moment and ask why? According to the CDC, in statistics put out April 2008, the regular seasonal flu kills 36,000 each year. http://www.cdc.gov/H1N1flu/qa.htm

The swine flu has killed, depending upon which statistics you accept, around a 1,000
We are being pushed and prodded into taking the vaccine. Why?

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