Monday, May 6, 2013

Disaster Drill Planned for May 13th In Pennsylvania.... another potential false flag?

This is not Dorney Park, but represents a theme park setting.
Will this be a drill or a "drill"?
You know when you see "disaster drill" in the news it should make you take note. Why? Well there was a "drill" taking place on 9/11 that mimicked the exact events, and there was a "drill" about a bombing during the Boston bombing. So sure, when I see that there is a drill taking place, I take notice.

There is an upcoming, very large, disaster drill  at Dorney Park, a theme park in Pennsylvania. The date is Monday, May 13 and it is intended to simulate "a hazardous" condition with multiple casualties during peak summer season operations.  I haven't seen what that "hazardous" condition is supposed to be, but I have validated the drill through a couple of sources, including the local news near Dorney Park.

Interestingly enough, however, the drill does not appear on the Northeast Pennsylvania Region Counter Terrorism Task Force's own calendar. They are said to be hosting this particular disaster drill. I've emailed them to see if I can verify the drill, and will update this if I get a response back.

So, is this a real preparedness training session or is it going to be the cover for an actual event? Let's keep an eye on this one and see what happens!

Read a local news story about the drill here.

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