Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Is "Cyber war" with China a real threat or power grab - a Virtual False Flag?

Are they really the enemy or just a convenient excuse?
Have you noticed all the talk about the internet lately? If you listen, you'll hear the debates and learn about the efforts to tax the internet. This includes taxing internet sales... even though online retailers already pay local, state and federal taxes and regardless of the fact that such taxes are unconstitutional. (Taxation without representation, anybody?)

Well, there is more going on here, and I'm going to call it out. We are hearing a lot about Cyber crime and cyber attacks, even a "cyber war" against the United States, largely stemming from China. However, it's the same story, just with different players, when we hear similar tales about North Korea. The premise is that these areas are engaging in cyber war against us.

Soon, we all know where that talk leads. They say we have an enemy, they fake something to scare people and enact legislation to "keep us safe" and in doing so, rein us in like sheep wandering aimlessly in a field. Recently the Pentagon sent General Martin Dempsey to China for a 3 day tour and he says that although China doesn't  take "ownership" for the attacks, that it is a serious concern regarding our relationship with them.

This is like the war on "terrorism" in my book. It is nebulous enough to be both scary but hard to prove and impossible to "win." This makes it a perfect tool for the government to stage events, control online activity and fill up their databases with more information on our online activities.

You can read more about it here, but in truth, you'll do better to go get George Orwell's classic 1984 and see how easily we can be controlled into hating others, believing an ever changing "truth" and accepting marginal life as the only existence possible.

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