Monday, May 6, 2013

Exhuming the past - Let's talk about Dr. Judy Wood and 9/11

Judy Wood, Ph. D wants to know and we all
should listen to her theory.
We've been interested in 9/11 truth for a long time. We were lucky to be a part of some of the early screenings of "Loose change" and have never been fully satisfied with either the official story or even the alternative theories. One thing has always been clear, we've been lied to about all of the events on 9/11 and much work has been done to keep the truth silent.

Now, I want to introduce you to Judy Wood. Doctor Judy Wood that is.... she holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering, a Masters in Applied physics and a Doctorate in Materials Engineering Science.

She is the real deal. A real scientist with a lifelong track record of excellence. Check her out for yourself, you will be impressed.

She has a different theory about the truth of 9/11 and it is both controversial and completely logical. She purports that the towers were not taken down by planes or by bombs, but by a new style of weaponry, a directed energy weapon. This weapon basically turned the towers to dust, which accounts for so much of what we've actually seen during the 9/11 footage.

If you've researched this at all, you have seen the questions about how the towers disappeared at the rate they did. Why there was so little rubble in comparison to the size of the towers? Why is there so conflicting reports, anomalies over coverage and anomalies at the scene? ( "Toasted"  cars under FDR drive, all with unusual damage and with no damage between them and the event?)

Now, before you dismiss this, you owe it to yourself to hear her out. She has a tremendous amount of evidence to back up her hypothesis, and she knows the science, the math and has the calculations to back it all up. Additionally, she has faced a smear campaign to harm her reputation, but it's done nothing to silence her - basically she isn't gaining anything but has risked a lot to bring us her ideas.

What her presentation, aptly titled "Where did the towers go?" can be seen, in two parts, by following this link. She walks you through every step in the process and I guarantee you, you will soon be in her camp, asking where the towers went.

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