Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is the Government behind Super STD's?

This isn't anybody's favorite topic, but with the news stories today about a new form of gonorrhea, it's something we just have to do.  Now, gonorrhea is not new. In fact, it's been around for a very long time. So, when we hear about a "new" strain of gonorrhea that can kill you in days, well, it gets our attention.

We're talking about HO41, a "new" type of gonorrhea that doctors claim could be more deadly than AIDS. Now read that again and see if you don't feel a bit shocked and confused. Gonorrhea is a bacteria disease that gets spread via sex. It has been around forever and only now has it "mutated" to become deadly?

Sound right to you? No, it doesn't to me either. Now, we'll hear some very lame excuses about this being due to drug-resistance but to consider that an old bacteria like this changes only now, after decades of successful and relatively easy treatment is a bit much.

This is especially true considering that standard protocol to treat gonorrhea includes a culture, each and every time, unlike when doctors hand out anti-biotics for every cough and sore throat that walks through the door. What that boils down to is the fact that an overwhelming percent of gonorrhea cases get treated appropriately and yet a DEADLY strain still somehow emerges?

The World Health Organization says that we are on the verge of having an untreatable strain of gonorrhea.....they are putting it in a class with things like MRSA. I find this baffling and unbelievable, what about you? I think some government tinkering is involved in taking this routinely treatable bacteria into a full-on superbug.

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