Friday, August 28, 2009

Just yesterday we reported the new finding that medical imaging devices are exposing 65 million Americans to dangerous levels of radiation. Now we've found that an anti-cancer drug used for Breast cancer actually leads to even worse tumors. Tamoxifen is given to thousands of woman with breast cancer in an attempt to stop a regrowth of tumors after surgery. However, this new study reveals it does just the opposite.

Reported by the BBC news:
"But a US study links use of the drug to a four-fold raised risk of developing a more aggressive, difficult-to-treat tumour, not dependent on oestrogen."

It certainly seems like we have a lot of things included in the practice of standard medicine that make us more ill, not better in the long run.

Chemical Structure of Single Molecule Imaged for 1st Time

Image of single Molecule
The IBM Research team in Zurich has once again accomplished a first in science. Using an atomic force microscope (AFM) they have photographed the chemical structure of a single molecule. What they have captured is the actual physical shape of the molecule, right down to the actual hydrogen bonds.

This sort of technology could open up a lot of doors for us, as having such a detailed and fine knowledge of things on the molecular scale has wide spread, game-changing capabilities.

Previously, this same group of researchers, succeeded in measuring the charge of a single atom, another first. Their findings are reported in the Journal Science. Atomic Microscope

Atlanta University Testing H1N1 on Children

Many people have questions about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine that is being pushed on us and the non-pandemic that we are being sold. Many experts have come out and spoken against this vaccine, saying they won't take it and question not just it's effectiveness, but its safety.
So when we came across a story about Emory University and Children's Healthcare (Atlanta, GA) and their test of t his dangerous vaccine on 100 children, we were shocked. We are trying to spread the word to all out there to NOT get this, or any other vaccine.

They are not safe, they are not intended to help you, and they can cause very serious complications, as did the swine flu vaccines in 1976 that actually killed more people than the swine flu.

Emory tests vaccine article:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Banana Disease Could Cause Disaster in Africa

Africa is a place of extremes and many of the people who live there exist along side their crops and their live stock. When things go wrong with either of those two things, existence becomes questionable in the land where droughts and famine have been common.

Right now two diseases are destroying banana crops, a viral disease and a bacterial wilt. Both are spread by insects and few types of banana's have any resistance to them. This problem has the potential to do huge damage, both in terms of economics and in terms of the well-being for those that depend upon the crops.

Authorities are urging people to either use pesticides or even take measures as drastic as burning crops down to keep it from spreading. What we hope is that they aren't urged to switch to bio-engineered banana's which have been altered to be resistant. Though it might seem appealing in the short term, long term ramifications could be even worse than the current situation.

Hundreds of Financial Institutions In Trouble

The official list of problem banks and similar financial lending institutions reached 416 this year, with a few other possible additions waiting in the wings. Officials say that banks, as a economic indicator, typically lag behind the curve, so the recovery signs in other markets come first. However, such a high number of problem institutions is a sign of our weak economy.

Bad loans and a massive number of defaults are partially to blame. The entire system, however, is an increasingly heavy burden on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC). The worry is that if more and more institutions go under, the FDIC might not be able to keep up with the demand.
So, while we continue to hear conflicting reports about the economy being up, then down, jobless claims being up and then down, one thing is certain; the U.S. economy is clearly not out of the woods yet.

Are Medical Tests Killing Us?

Doctors that are considered alternative or those that practice integrated medicine, blending regular knowledge with alternative approaches, have long worried outloud that some of the medical imaging techniques we are using might do more harm than good. The idea of using radiation to find cancer does, indeed, seem questionable. However, until recently, mainstream medicine looked down on those that questioned the 'standard practices' of diagnosis.
A recent New York Times article proclaimed that," At least four million Americans under age 65 are exposed to high doses of radiation each year from medical imaging tests, according to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine." They don't have the numbers of cancers or other problems that might arise from this over exposure.

It seems like our health care system is geared towards making and keeping us ill, and we all need to be asking why this is being allowed to continue.

CDC Speeding up Production but Not Cutting Corners?

This picture is of a nurse giving out a swine flu vaccine - 1976

We came across a video from CBS which we encourage all to watch.(Link below) In this clip an on-staff doctor who is just in from a CDC conference, explains to us all how the H1N1 vaccine process should occur. She explains that they estimate two, not one round of jabs will be necessary to achieve immunity. Further, they are rushing to meet the deadline of having shots ready by October. When the news anchor asks if rushing might be dangerous, she immediately says that no corner are being cut.

Watch this and see if you feel as incredulous as we here can you rush production of an unproven vaccine and claim no corners are being cut? Are there large, double-blind independent studies being done to test the safety of the vaccine? Of course they aren't, because they are rushing and cutting every corner possible.

What is more incredible is the number of people that will fall for this dog & pony show being put on for the public. Look into the Swine Flu scare of 1976 and the resulting problems from that round of vaccines, you'll feel like you're living in Groundhog Day.

Video Clip -
Swine Flu debacle of 1976-

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Not All American Equal in the Eyes of Tax Laws

You might recall Timothy Geithner, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, had a bit of tax trouble that was aired during his Senate confirmation. He claimed that he use TurboTax , which overlooked portion of his income, resulting in the final error. Well, that was just a fine excuse for him, and he now has the office, end of story. He had 'overlooked' 50,000 dollars worth of income and was later audited.
Recently, two Ohio residents made a similar claim, saying the software overlooked items and that is why their 2006 taxes were incorrect. Too bad for them they weren't seeking to overlook the financial matters of the entire country, because for them, a federal court rejected the same claim.

It is a shame that we have different classes of people in the United States, each with a different set of laws with which to abide.

Treasury Secretary Says We Shouldn't Audit Fed!

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner spoke with the Wall Street Journal and had some interesting things to say about the Federal Reserve and the efforts to force an audit of the financial titan. He said that auditing the Fed. is a "line they didn't want to cross" but never really made clear why there was a line drawn there in the first place! He says that it would be wrong to cross politics and money, apparently ignorant of the fact that the two literally couldn't exist outside of each other at this point.

What we all have to ask is why does this institution require secrecy and why they are so afraid of transparency and truth? There is a bill trying to survive in the House that would force this audit, HR 1207, which currently has 282 co-sponsors in the House and22 Senate Co-sponsors.

Support this bill and encourage your representatives to do the same!

Pharmaceutical Companies Set To Make Billions

Could at least part of the swine flu scare be economics? Many people suspect that this is simply an orchestrated effort to push people to take a shot which has negative health effects. The thought is that this is a depopulation attempt, or perhaps a sterilization efforts. After all, our government alone has a history of sterilizing and depopulating. (Email us if you don't know this history, we have it all outlined for your convenience, then you can research for yourself)

Regardless of why this started, we do know that the pharmaceutical companies stand to make billions selling an unproven, untested, and dangerous vaccine to governments worldwide!

GlaxoSmithKline stands to make 50 million in sales according to the UK based paper, The Guardian. They are not the only one set to make obscene amounts of money based off of a pandemic that doesn't exist!

In what can only be described as negligent and frightening, GSK is rushing to get the vaccine out by September, and has said that, "clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be required and conducted after the vaccine is made available."

Say no to the vaccine!

Health Workers In Hong Kong Saying No to Vaccine

A British Medical Journal recently reported that less than 1/2 of Health Care Workers in Hong Kong are willing to get the swine flu vaccine over concerns for their safety due to the untested, unproven shot. We reported in last weeks postings that UK nurses are also saying no to taking the shot.

It seems that the World Health Organization's effort, in conjunction with government's worldwide, is having a hard time selling this as some global pandemic. If they can't get the health care industry to fall in line, how will they sell it to the rest of us?

Ted Kennedy Lost His Battle To Cancer

Ted Kennedy, who had been battling a brain tumor, died today. Often called the liberal lion, Kennedy was known as a fierce debater and a master mediator. he was respected on both side of the isle. Nancy Reagan said her husband could "always find common ground" with Ted, as he was known to friends and opponents, and called him"an ally and a dear friend. I will miss him."

He cared about the poor and those who had little, and fought to make strides on the liberal front under 10 presidents. His work and successful legislation is impressive, ranging from health care, civil rights, education, immigration among other key issues.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Federal Reserve Must Releast Records!

The Federal Reserve has to release records regarding institutions which received emergency loans. Previously the Reserve had claimed that such records shouldn't be available because it would release proprietary information about individual companies, thus hurting their competitive edge. However, Manhattan Chief US District Judge, Loretta Preska, rejected this argument and gave the institution five days to make the records available..

It isn't often that the all-powerful Federal Reserve doesn't get its way, so this is great news. It is about time that organizations be pushed to at least some level of transparency.

You can read a detailed article on it by following the link below:

Is Executive Order 13295 Something to Worry About?

The Center for Disease Control has the ability to quarantine people suspected of having communicable diseases. They have a list of diseases that qualify and to add to that list, they need an executive order. The last time any disease was added was in 2003 when SARS was a concern worldwide.
The CDC hasn't involuntarily quarantined anybody since 1963, which was due to small pox. It does screen people from hot spots to see if they have fevers or other signs of illnesses. Most countries do this, with the idea of keeping dangerous illnesses away from the populace.

Now, with the swine flu war of propaganda we have going on, some fear that the government will use this ability to herd the American people up, all under the guise of disease control. Read the original order and see what you think. If you are worried that such a misuse of the order could occur, let your representatives, local news outlets, radio show and friends and family know so they can become informed.

Bernake Gets Second Term in Federal Reserve

It isn't really a surprise that Bernake is going to have a second term running the Federal Reserve. What is surprising is the fact that Americans, for the most part, don't have a clue about how the Reserve works, what their function is and why we don't need them in the first place.
Unfortunately, if you were to ask most of your friends and neighbors about the Federal Reserve, they'd likely know little more than they set the rate for loans...Well, the Reserve isn't run by the government and what they do amounts to thievery.
There are great resources for learning about this hideous private company that controls our money. The book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island," by Griffin is a good place to start.
A little research will yield a lot of result and I bet you'll be asking yourself why we have a privately owned company at the heart of our economic structure.

Swine Flu Scare Tactics

We've all heard the saying "You are what you eat." Perhaps a new maxim to add to our collective vocabulary is "You are what you see," because the more a message is repeated to us, the more we come to accept it as reality. It used to be called propaganda, but that word gets over used and has lost its sting.

Now, we are all seeing a constant string of swine flu stories, and none of them good. First we were told that the swine flu is going to be an epidemic. Next, we are told not just that it is an epidemic, but that it is now a global pandemic. We are told that many people are going to die this fall because the swine flu. Then we are warned that everybody needs the new (untested) swine flu vaccine.

Slow down for a moment and ask why? According to the CDC, in statistics put out April 2008, the regular seasonal flu kills 36,000 each year.

The swine flu has killed, depending upon which statistics you accept, around a 1,000
We are being pushed and prodded into taking the vaccine. Why?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Another Death By Taser Incident

A mentally disturbed man who was acting erratically outside a convenience store in mesa Arizona was tasered and later died due to that incident. This makes us wonder why these devices are still in use and what did police do in the good old days, pre-taser? Wasn't there a time when the police could peacefully subdue people who might harm themselves or others?

According to Amnesty International more than 334 deaths have occurred due to this "non-lethal" technology from July of 2001 and August of 2008. Now other countries, like Holland, are beginning trial runs of taser use in their departments.

We all need to ask out loud why this technology is being used in police departments nation (world)wide. Are we all being prepared for a coming military state where cops are being conditioned to harm civilians at a whim? Read for yourselves and start asking why.

A "New Interrogation" Team - Should We Worry?

The tales of detainee abuse and the use of torture to elicit information are still fresh wounds on our nation. This administration was ushered in at least partially by the promise of reform. This new league of High Value Interrogation Specialists, however, doesn't seem like it is what we were looking for this time around.
The government will use experts from its intelligence and law enforcement agencies to interrogate detainees that are considered to be of "High Value." Currently there isn't a definition offered for what high value means. But, we do know that this agency will be under the National Security Council, putting them directly under the White House.

Read this article for yourself and let us know what you think. Should be worried that this is simply another name for the same old policies of fear and abuse?

Virologists are Puzzled Over the H1N1

A recent article by Dr. Russell Blaylock gives light to the basically ignored angle of the Swine Flu, where did it even come from? A basic lack of understanding of how viruses work is partially to blame, but so is a media blackout on the possibility of an engineered virus.

Dr. Blaylock wrote :
"This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,“Where the hell it got all these genes from we don’t know.” Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus"

Top scientists, not your local doctor who isn't a scientist, are puzzled over how this virology oddity even exists. It breaks the laws that other viruses follow, so we hope you read this article and ask yourself, just what is the Swine Flu and exactly where did it come from? Why do so many governments want us all to get an untested vaccine for a pandemic that doesn't exist?

Garage Sellers Beware- Government Launches Resale Round-up

The government has a new concern that I bet you never even considered before - garage sells and other resell venues. The idea, they tell us, is that people might be reselling recalled merchandise, which could be dangerous. However, they aren't seeking to simply warn people to check recall lists before purchasing things like toys, car seats and electronics. They are making it a criminal offense to resell such items.

Warning people about recalled items is a good idea, but it seems overboard to criminalize such things, and that makes us wonder, what are they really trying to do? Maybe the real idea is to hurt charitable organizations the make their money reselling donations, driving those people to the retail stores. This would have many effects, just use your imagination here. More sales, more taxes, perhaps even closing down some non-profit resellers, especially the smaller local outlets.

Places like Goodwill, Salvation Army and other charitable organizations have already stated that they are going to have a very hard time trying to comply with this law. They cannot check every toy or other potentially recalled item, so might be pushed to limit items they carry. This could make surviving more and more difficult.

Also in the cross hairs are digital resellers; places like Craigslist, Backpages, and other online marketplaces.

So, there is a new maxim to add to your vocabulary, Seller Beware!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why Is Blackwater Still Allowed to Exist?

Sure, I know that they are called Xe now, but there not fooling anybody, it is still Blackwater and we all know it. What we don't know is why they are still around? Iraq is suing them for a laundry list of criminal offenses. This company was used as mercenaries by our government, which still pays them untold millions of dollars. This isn't like the government using a spy, this is like the government hiring out to the private sector. That literally makes this company a band of mercenaries, paid to kill and reek havoc.

Check out these articles about the crimes of this company, their founder Erick Prince, and the shocking new charges by an ex-employee. - Charges against Erik Prince

Update to Post About HR 645

Do you feel like making an angry phone call about HR645 or any other piece of legislation?

If you are concerned about HR 645, have questions or just want to register your opinion, you might consider sending a note to the Congressman that submitted this piece of legislation.

Democrat Alcee Hastings from Florida is who you should speak to and you can check out his website out for contact information at:

If you want to talk with your own representative, here is a link to help you find exactly how to do it. Happy activism.

Be Suspicious of House Bill 645

H.R. 645 The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act calls for the creation of 6 complete military command, control centers to be built. The stated purpose for these centers is to create national emergency centers on military installations. Here is language directly from the bill:1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;

(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;

(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and

(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security
The vagueness in the language of the bill and the part highlighted in red is disturbing to us here, what do you think?

Please take five minutes out of your day and read this bill. See what you think and let others know.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Case for Lab Created Swine Flu - Must Read

An Australia-based virologist who has over 200 published works to his name, Dr. Adrian Gibbs,suggested that the swine flu was not natural, but might likely have been created in a lab due to what he calls "laboratory error."

The following link will take you to the original story. One question we all need to ask ourselves is why such questions from prominent scientists (see other posts regarding issues regarding swine flu and vaccine problems) get absolutely no press?

The popular U.K. Paper "The Sun" just published an article about their government's plans for creating mass graves in preparation for the highly propagandized Swine Flu "pandemic" In a 59 page document, the government outlines exactly what a mass grave is: "...a grave that is for a number of unrelated persons, excavated mechanically in advance and designed for efficient preparation and use”. (The Sun, August 19, 2009)

Further, this document, which was issued by the Home Office (British governmental office) says they can use freight containers and inflatable units to hold the extra dead bodies.

This is frightening stuff, even more so when you consider how mild the Swine flu is, that the standard seasonal flu kills far more people each year, and that governments around the world are heavily marketing this flu as an worldwide pandemic.

The goal might just be to get you to take the seriously flawed and dangerous H1N1 vaccine.
Don't take the shot and urge your friends and family to do the same.

Phoenix to Conduct SWAT Drills in Occupied Neighborhood

An old neighborhood, which predates the airport that is at the heart of it's current blighted condition, has been loosing people steadily due to relocation efforts. However, there are several neighborhood groups which are trying to protect the district, and those groups are appalled that the Phoenix Police Department are scheduled to begin SWAT drills in the still occupied neighborhood. The PPD might compromise by marking or sectioning off occupied areas, but one wonders why the PDD needs to do this at all? Aren't there better suited areas for such activity? Are they simply trying to intimidate the neighborhood groups trying to save the area? Or, worse still, are they acclimating officers to working within occupied neighborhoods?

These are questions we all have to ask. Check out this story:

More Evidence Against Childhood Vaccines

If you needed further proof that vaccines are dangerous, we have it hear for you. Most suspect that vaccines are linked to autism, but a study recently surfaced showing a link between the Hep. B vaccine and juvenille diabetes.

Currently, if you search for "vaccines" and "diabetes" you'll find a lot of pro-vaccine propaganda, as if their efforts have recently been stepped-up a bit.

Read about the topic and see for yourself.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Psychics at Baxter Healthcare File for Patent 1 Year Ago

Either by "sheer luck" or deliberate planning, Baxter filed a patent application US200900609501A1 last August 28, 2008 for a swine flu vaccine. Generally, companies manufacture influenza vaccines based on previous strains of the flu, preparing for the fall flue season each year. Baxter however, developed a swine flu vaccine and as a result, hold one of the contracts to develop vaccines for the 'pandemic' being sold to the public.

Chinese Villagers Storm Super-Polluting Lead Company

Angry Chinese parents stormed the Dongling Lead and Zinc Smelting Company after a judge ruled their practices dangerous to the surrounding area. Several officials of the company were arrested and angry parents decided to take their protests to the factory itself. This company recently opened a lead smelting plant only 500 yards from a primary school. 1,300 children have been victims of lead poisoning, but nobody knows the true extend of the damage.

U.S. Job Crisis Continues

You might have heard that fewer jobless claims were made recently. It was in the news last week as though all of our financial troubles are over. However, recent stories coming out around the country tell a different tale of our job crisis.
CNN reports 576,000 new jobless claims last week in a new article. You can view this at:

That is over 1/2 a million last week alone! And not all local governments can keep up with the demand. California has been in its own financial crisis while Arizona can't keep up with paying jobless benefits. Read this local article about Arizona's jobless trouble:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Follow Us On Twitter!

Secretsandmore is our Twitter name and we put up news snippets every day! Follow us and we'll follow you!

Leading German Scientist Warns Against H1N1 Vaccine

Leading German scientist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who is a doctor, member of the German and European Parliament, has spoken out against the H1N1 Vaccines. A base of cancerous cells is used to generate the vaccine, but the problems go further than that. He's not the only one speaking out, and it is time we all start listening.
Don't take this shot, tell your friends and family to not take this shot.

Mercury Epidemic in Nation's Streams

Water quality is a basic right which is being abused and used against the populace. Many of us have been screaming about fluoride in water for years, and it seems every couple of months some new article comes out pointing towards new problems with our water supplies. A recent TIME magazine article outlines the widespread problem of mercury in streams nationwide. Close to 300 streams were tested and not one was found free of mercury, with over a quarter of the fish containing dangerous levels.

It is long past time to do something about our water quality. Read this article, and check out your own city's water standards to see what you are dealing with.

Is TIME Magazine Talking About Chemtrails?

Sure, they are calling it by a more appealing, scientific sounding name of geoengineering, but a recent TIME magazine article sure seems to be talking about chemtrails. This could be the beginning of trying to shape public opinion about these unnatural things that criss-cross our skies. Ten years ago those of us talking about chemtrails were called conspiracy nuts, but now there are too many of them to avoid or ignore their existence. Read this article and tell us what you think.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Say No to Google

In case you weren't aware of it, Google does more than find stuff for you online. They collect and store data in huge quantities. When the government wants information about your surfing habits, where better to go than the top search engine with a habit of keeping records? This isn't the stuff of paranoia, afterall, just a couple of years ago the government did get phone records from many companies, with only Qwest saying no!

So, protect your browsing habits by using privacy filters and private search engines. Email us if you have other suggestions.

Here is a great one to use, it is called Scroogle:

Building Huge Telescopes to See Back Into Time!

New, bigger than life telescopes are being planned, which will let us see further out in space, and further back into the universe's history. One of these, the Giant Magellan Telescope, is planned for construction in Chile, and will let us see what researchers are calling "first generation" stars.
I wonder what we might discover?
Check out this link to read more about this exciting possibility!

H1N1 Vaccine Linked to Dangerous Condition

Why are governments all around the world trying to force the H1N1 shot upon the public? Last week we posted information about the similar Swine Flu scare of 1976, in which a few cases of a flu were touted as a pandemic and people started getting flu vaccines. In quick order people also started to come down with dangerous and rare side effects. The same future has been foreseen with this new wave of vaccinations, but officials are ready for it this time. Read this article and ask yourself, why is this happening? What are governments trying to gain?

UK Nurses Refusing Vaccine

U.K. nurses were polled regarding taking the planned mandatory H1N1 vaccine and around a third have said they will refuse the shot. Some don't feel there is any real threat from the "swine flu" scare, and others feel that the risk of the vaccine are real while the threat from the flu is minor, at best.

This is a good sign and everybody needs to pass it on, if nurses that work around the ill aren't that interested in this vaccine, why should your average citizen even consider it? More importantly, why are governments around the world trying to force it upon us?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Organ Selling in the United States?

We've heard horror stories about organ stealing and the illegal organ market, but usually such tales are linked to far away places. However, recently an FBI investigation arrested Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, of Brooklyn for buying a kidney from an Israeli doctor at a profit to a desperate American family. He has been accused of participating in such activities for around 10 years.

What has come to light is a significant problem with the entire organ transplant system, including a lack of standards for screening donors, and a rush to take organs for transplant due to the significant profit such operations offer.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Trying to Make Supplements Illegal

HR 2749 seeks to make supplements illegal, labeling them drugs, which would put many basic items under the thumb of a doctor, a prescription, and ultimately the pharmaceutical company. We all need step up and shout down those trying to push this bill. Some call this the Food Fascism act, and it is easy to see why. Look this up for yourself, tell your friends, family and neighbors. Here are some links to help:
Know your representative:

Sign petitions and have your friends and family do the same:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Researchers Narrow In on Vaccines and Autism

Many feel that autism and vaccines go hand in hand, but it's been hard to prove this in a way satisfactory to all interested parties. Until now, there hasn't been a study that involved the entire series if vaccines given to children throughout childhood. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have found links between the childhood series of vaccines and autism like symptoms in primates. This is likely to prompt more debate and controversy, but the fact remains, autism rates are sky rocketing and genetics alone isn't sufficient to explain this upward trend.

Check out these articles and pass them around. Everybody needs to join this debate!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gov. Tried Swine Flu Scare in 1976

We've all heard the saying that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it! It seems that that is one maxim you can count on! In 1976 we had another swine flu scare which the government told the public would be an epidemic. Turns out the flu was a bust, but they pushed vaccines which ended up causing rare and negative side effects. Those side effects put the brakes on the push for vaccinations at the time, and caused people to be more cautious of all flu vaccines.

Now, we have the exact scene taking place...a minor flu being hailed a pandemic and flu shots being rushed through production and pushed on the public. Will we ever learn?

Read this article from the LA Times about one person's personal account with this debacle.

Brits might use H1N1 to ban Homebirths!

In general the government doesn't approve of homebirths, and they generally use safety as an excuse for this disapproval. Homebirths, however, let the woman remain in complete control over the process, and lets the family completely opt out of immediate vaccines, registering for social security and whatever else they dream up to put infants through. This, is likely the entire reason governments don't want you to have your baby, unhindered, at home. Looks like the Brits are aiming to use the entire H1H1 false flag opt as a reason to deny this right to woman!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Planet Found that Rotates Backwards

A new planet has been discovered that defies conventional knowledge. This planet, named WASP-17 ,rotates backwards! It is about 1000 light years away and is being called one of the strangest planets ever. Very interesting article listed at the link below. It seems that we certainly don't know much about our universe. Makes me wonder why some people are so quick to rule things out, given that what we know is so limited and the universe is so vast!

National Guard Looking for Internment Specialists!!!

It is hard to imagine actually advertising this, but the National Guard is looking for Internment Specialists.
Sure, there are no internment camps? Send this to your neighbors and friends, everybody has to wake up. You know, there were Germans who sincerely didn't believe that the Jews being marched away were going to camps...They were wrong too.!

Another Dead Scientist...this one probably of natural causes

Wallace Pannier, 81
This bio-warfare scientist died of natural causes on August 6 of this year. Karma might be a bitch for this one; he was involved in many top-secret projects, such as the mock New York subway attack which used powdered bacteria and he worked to develop and test delivery systems for anthrax and smallpox. Ugly we here at SC&C think he did actually die of natural causes given his age and here's to one less war monger on the face of earth.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Suing Over Gardasil

Too many parents have been pushed into giving their girls the Gardasil vaccine. Now, they are seeking to give boys this vaccine, which makes no sense, other than that it will make the companies lots of money and will poison more "undesirables". Garasil has Polysorbate 80, which causes infertility in mice. Girls have been injured and even died due to this vaccine, which received approval on a fast track with next to no clinical trials!
Don't let your kids take this (or any other) vaccine!
People are suing over this dangerous vaccine!

WHO History of Eugenics Through Vaccines

Most of us know that vaccines are part of a eugenics program, a decisive effort to depopulate the world. This report talks about a birth control plan the WHO was involved with, giving unknowing recipients a Tetanus vaccine laced with a hormone to control pregnancy. This is eugenics, ladies and gentlemen. People with power, money, great jobs, who live in suburbs and gated communities, they aren't the ones who have to ask for free health care. It is the poor and the down trodden that are being abused.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is the government compiling an enemies list?

It seems like something out of a movie or documentary about fascist regimes, but it appears that our own government is asking us to keep an eye out for 'fishy' activity. Watch this clip, which appears on FOX news, and see for yourself.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Get In Line for the Flu Shots - All 3 of Them!

Officials are urging you to take three, yes, 1, 2, 3 flu shots this weekend! For those of us that believe (know) that flu shots harm people, not help them, this is just one more incredible assault on the public. Don't take the flu shots, tell all of your loved ones to not take the flu shot, and if your doctor is pushing the flu shot, tell them they are fired and find a better doctor. Here is an article where they are urging three flu shots. Unbelievable!

Fox News Talks About Military and Vaccinations

Check out this short clip where FOX news
talks about the military being positioned
to help implement vaccines.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Have Supplies

It is probably one of the most important and most basic rules in being prepared for emergencies; have supplies. We'll start with food because without it, nothing else really matters. You should focus on two different aspects of storing food in order to be prepared for the worst.
1) Keep your pantry stocked with the regular food you normally buy at the market. Sometimes people only have a full pantry just after payday and run low while they wait for their next check. But, if something were to happen that disrupts food supplies, you would be in trouble, especially if you also lacked stored food as well! The idea is to have enough regular food for a three or five days. If the emergency lasts beyond that, you then need to depend on stored food.
2) Buy food intended for long term storage, aiming to have at least 3-4 months of stored food. There are several routes you can go, or mix and match strategies. You can buy bulk rice, sugar,flour and beans, among other dry goods, for storing. It is best to seal them in a plastic tub of some sort, write their dates in permanent marker, and keep them in a cool area. You can also store large commercial size cans of tomator sauce, beans, fruit and other items. Again, keep in a cool area and write the date on them for easy reference. Check your stores often and use up the oldest one while replacing them to keep the same amount of food.
You could also store MRE's or other food-on -the- go options. These have some benefits, such as coming well sealed, having a very long shelf life, and taking up little space in case you need to travel.
However you do it, do make a commitment to storing food for your family. Emergencies happen, it only makes sense to be prepared!